
Volkmar Sieh

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9EES. Potyra, Volkmar Sieh, Mario Dal Cin: Evaluating fault-tolerant system designs using FAUmachine. EFTS 2007: 9
8EEKerstin Buchacker, Mario Dal Cin, Hans-Jörg Höxer, Roland Karch, Volkmar Sieh, Oliver Tschäche: Reproducible Dependability Benchmarking Experiments Based on Unambiguous Benchmark Setup Descriptions. DSN 2003: 469-478
7EEKerstin Buchacker, Mario Dal Cin, Hans-Jörg Höxer, Volkmar Sieh, Oliver Tschäche, Martin Waitz: Hardware Fault Injection with UMLinux. DSN 2003: 670
6EEVolkmar Sieh, Kerstin Buchacker: UMLinux - A Versatile SWIFI Tool. EDCC 2002: 159-171
5 Kerstin Buchacker, Volkmar Sieh: Framework for Testing the Fault-Tolerance of Systems Including OS and Network Aspects. HASE 2001: 95-105
4 Mario Dal Cin, Wolfgang Hohl, Volkmar Sieh: Hardware-Supported Fault Tolerance for Multiprocessors. ARCS 1997: 13-22
3 Volkmar Sieh, Oliver Tschäche, Frank Balbach: VERIFY: Evaluation of Reliability Using VHDL-Models with Embedded Fault Descriptions. FTCS 1997: 32-36
2 Jens Güthoff, Volkmar Sieh: Combining Software-Implemented and Simulation-Based Fault Injection into a Single Fault Injection Method. FTCS 1995: 196-206
1 István Majzik, András Pataricza, Mario Dal Cin, Wolfgang Hohl, J. Hönig, Volkmar Sieh: Hierarchical Checking of Multiprocessors Using Watchdog Processors. EDCC 1994: 386-403

Coauthor Index

1Frank Balbach [3]
2Kerstin Buchacker [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Mario Dal Cin [1] [4] [7] [8] [9]
4Jens Güthoff [2]
5Wolfgang Hohl [1] [4]
6J. Hönig [1]
7Hans-Jörg Höxer [7] [8]
8Roland Karch [8]
9István Majzik [1]
10András Pataricza [1]
11S. Potyra [9]
12Oliver Tschäche [3] [7] [8]
13Martin Waitz [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)