
Sebastian Möller

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14EEMarcel Wältermann, Blazej Lewcio, Pablo Vidales, Sebastian Möller: A Technique for Seamless VoIP-Codec Switching in Next Generation Networks. ICC 2008: 1772-1776
13EEChristine Kühnel, Benjamin Weiss, Ina Wechsung, Sascha Fagel, Sebastian Möller: Evaluating talking heads for smart home systems. ICMI 2008: 81-84
12 Ina Wechsung, Anja Naumann, Sebastian Möller: Multimodale Anwendungen: Einflüsse auf die Wahl der Modalität. Mensch & Computer 2008: 437-440
11EEBenjamin Weiss, Ina Wechsung, Anja Naumann, Sebastian Möller: Subjective Evaluation Method for Speech-Based Uni- and Multimodal Applications. PIT 2008: 285-288
10EEKlaus-Peter Engelbrecht, Christine Kühnel, Sebastian Möller: Weighting the Coefficients in PARADISE Models to Increase Their Generalizability. PIT 2008: 289-292
9EESebastian Möller, Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht: Towards a Perception-Based Evaluation Model for Spoken Dialogue Systems. PIT 2008: 306-309
8EEAnja Naumann, Ina Wechsung, Sebastian Möller: Factors Influencing Modality Choice in Multimodal Applications. PIT 2008: 37-43
7EEPablo Vidales, Frank Steuer, Niklas Kirschnick, Marcel Wältermann, Blazej Lewcio, Sebastian Möller: Mobisense testbed: merging user perception and network performance. TRIDENTCOM 2008: 21
6EESebastian Möller, Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht, Robert Schleicher: Predicting the quality and usability of spoken dialogue services. Speech Communication 50(8-9): 730-744 (2008)
5EESebastian Möller, Paula Smeele, Heleen Boland, Jan Krebber: Evaluating spoken dialogue systems according to de-facto standards: A case study. Computer Speech & Language 21(1): 26-53 (2007)
4EESebastian Möller, Alexander Raake, N. Kitawaki, A. Takahashi, Marcel Wältermann: Impairment Factor Framework for Wide-Band Speech Codecs. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(6): 1969-1976 (2006)
3EESebastian Möller, Jan Krebber, Paula Smeele: Evaluating the speech output component of a smart-home system. Speech Communication 48(1): 1-27 (2006)
2 Sebastian Möller: Neue ITU-T-Empfehlungen zur Evaluierung telefonbasierter Sprachdialogdienste. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 587-591
1EESebastian Möller, Jan Krebber, Alexander Raake, Paula Smeele, Martin Rajman, Mirek Melichar, Vincenzo Pallotta, Gianna Tsakou, Basilis Kladis, Anestis Vovos, Jettie Hoonhout, Dietmar Schuchardt, Nikos Fakotakis, Todor Ganchev, Ilyas Potamitis: INSPIRE: Evaluation of a Smart-Home System for Infotainment Management and Device Control CoRR cs.HC/0410063: (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Heleen Boland [5]
2Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht [6] [9] [10]
3Sascha Fagel [13]
4Nikos Fakotakis (Nikolaos D. Fakotakis) [1]
5Todor Ganchev [1]
6Jettie Hoonhout [1]
7Niklas Kirschnick [7]
8N. Kitawaki [4]
9Basilis Kladis [1]
10Jan Krebber [1] [3] [5]
11Christine Kühnel [10] [13]
12Blazej Lewcio [7] [14]
13Mirek Melichar [1]
14Anja Naumann [8] [11] [12]
15Vincenzo Pallotta [1]
16Ilyas Potamitis [1]
17Alexander Raake [1] [4]
18Martin Rajman [1]
19Robert Schleicher [6]
20Dietmar Schuchardt [1]
21Paula Smeele [1] [3] [5]
22Frank Steuer [7]
23A. Takahashi [4]
24Gianna Tsakou [1]
25Pablo Vidales [7] [14]
26Anestis Vovos [1]
27Marcel Wältermann [4] [7] [14]
28Ina Wechsung [8] [11] [12] [13]
29Benjamin Weiss [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)