
Sascha Fagel

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3EEChristine Kühnel, Benjamin Weiss, Ina Wechsung, Sascha Fagel, Sebastian Möller: Evaluating talking heads for smart home systems. ICMI 2008: 81-84
2EEMartin Morandell, Andreas Hochgatterer, Sascha Fagel, Siegfried Wassertheurer: Avatars in Assistive Homes for the Elderly. USAB 2008: 391-402
1EESascha Fagel, Caroline Clemens: An articulation model for audiovisual speech synthesis - Determination, adjustment, evaluation. Speech Communication 44(1-4): 141-154 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Caroline Clemens [1]
2Andreas Hochgatterer [2]
3Christine Kühnel [3]
4Sebastian Möller [3]
5Martin Morandell [2]
6Siegfried Wassertheurer [2]
7Ina Wechsung [3]
8Benjamin Weiss [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)