
Te-Kai Liu

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8EEMakoto Kano, Akio Koide, Te-Kai Liu, Bala Ramachandran: Analysis and simulation of business solutions in a service-oriented architecture. IBM Systems Journal 44(4): 669-690 (2005)
7EETe-Kai Liu, Hui Shen, Santhosh Kumaran: A Capacity Sizing Tool for a Business Process Integration Middleware. CEC 2004: 195-202
6EETe-Kai Liu, Santhosh Kumaran, Jen-Yao Chung: Performance Engineering of a Java-Based eCommerce System. EEE 2004: 33-37
5EETe-Kai Liu, Amir Behroozi, Santhosh Kumaran: A performance model for a BPI middleware. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 222-223
4EETe-Kai Liu, Amir Behroozi, Santhosh Kumaran: A Performance Model for a Business Process Integration Middleware. CEC 2003: 191-198
3EETe-Kai Liu, Santhosh Kumaran, Zongwei Luo: Layered Queueing Models for Enterprise JavaBean Applications. EDOC 2001: 174-178
2 Te-Kai Liu: Enterprise JavaBean Response Time Analysis. Int. CMG Conference 2001: 379-384
1 Te-Kai Liu, John A. Silvester, Andreas Polydoros: Retransmission Control and Fairness Issue in Mobile Slotted ALOHA Networks With Fading and Near-Far Effect. MONET 2(1): 101-110 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Amir Behroozi [4] [5]
2Jen-Yao Chung [6]
3Makoto Kano [8]
4Akio Koide [8]
5Santhosh Kumaran [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Zongwei Luo [3]
7Andreas Polydoros [1]
8Bala Ramachandran [8]
9Hui Shen [7]
10John A. Silvester [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)