
Mark E. Rorvig

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19EEAlan F. Smeaton, Paul Over, Cash Costello, Arjen P. de Vries, David S. Doermann, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Mark E. Rorvig, John R. Smith, Lide Wu: The TREC2001 Video Track: Information Retrieval on Digital Video Information. ECDL 2002: 266-275
18EEMark E. Rorvig, Ki-Tau Jeong, Anup Pachlag, Ramprasad Anusuri, Diane Jenkins, Sara Oyarce: UNT TRECvid: A Brighton Image Searcher Application. TREC 2001
17EEMark E. Rorvig: Image Retrieval by Content Measure Metadata Coding. WWW Posters 2001
16 Abby Goodrum, Mark E. Rorvig, Ki-Tai Jeong, Chitturi Suresh: An open source agenda for research linking text and image content features. JASIST 52(11): 948-953 (2001)
15EEMark E. Rorvig: Modelling question-response patterns by scalling and visualization. SIGIR 2000: 326-327
14 Mark E. Rorvig, Steven J. Fitzpatrick: Shape recovery: A visual method for evaluation of information retrieval experiments. JASIS 51(13): 1205-1210 (2000)
13EEMark E. Rorvig: Retrieval Performance and Visual Dispersion of Query Sets. TREC 1999
12 Mark E. Rorvig: Images of Similarity: A Visual Exploration of Optimal Similarity Metrics and Scaling Properties of TREC Topic-Document Sets. JASIS 50(8): 639-651 (1999)
11 Mark E. Rorvig: A Visual Exploration of the Orderliness of TREC Relevance Judgments. JASIS 50(8): 652-660 (1999)
10 Mark E. Rorvig, Lois F. Lunin: Introduction and Overview: Visualization, Retrieval, and Knowledge. JASIS 50(9): 790-793 (1999)
9 Mark E. Rorvig, C. H. Turner, J. Moncada: The NASA Image Collection Visual Thesaurus. JASIS 50(9): 794-798 (1999)
8 Mark E. Rorvig, Matthias Hemmje: Conference Notes - 1996: Foundations of Advanced Information Visualization for Visual Information (Retrieval) Systems. JASIS 50(9): 835-837 (1999)
7 Mark E. Rorvig, Steven J. Fitzpatrick: Visualization and Scaling of TREC Topic Document Sets. Inf. Process. Manage. 34(2-3): 135-149 (1998)
6 Mark E. Rorvig: Scaled Structure in Visualized TREC Data and Query Feedback. Inf. Process. Manage. 34(2-3): 151-160 (1998)
5EEMark E. Rorvig, Matthias Hemmje: Foundations of Advanced Information Visualization for Information Retrieval Szstems (Workshop Abstract). SIGIR 1996: 343
4 Mark E. Rorvig, Mark W. Hutchison, Robert O. Shelton, Stephanie L. Smith, Marwan E. Yazbeck: An Intelligent Agent for the K-12 Educational Community. ADL 1995: 167-177
3 Mark E. Rorvig, Steven J. Fitzpatrick, Charles T. Ladoulis, Sanjay Vitthal: A New Machine Classification Method Applied to Human Peripheral Blood Leukocytes. Inf. Process. Manage. 29(6): 765-774 (1993)
2 Mark E. Rorvig: A Method for Automatically Abstracting Visual Documents. JASIS 44(1): 40-56 (1993)
1 Mark E. Rorvig: The simple scalability of documents. JASIS 41(8): 590-598 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Ramprasad Anusuri [18]
2Cash Costello [19]
3David S. Doermann [19]
4Steven J. Fitzpatrick [3] [7] [14]
5Abby Goodrum [16]
6Alexander G. Hauptmann [19]
7Matthias Hemmje [5] [8]
8Mark W. Hutchison [4]
9Diane Jenkins [18]
10Ki-Tai Jeong [16]
11Ki-Tau Jeong [18]
12Charles T. Ladoulis [3]
13Lois F. Lunin [10]
14J. Moncada [9]
15Paul Over [19]
16Sara Oyarce [18]
17Anup Pachlag [18]
18Robert O. Shelton [4]
19Alan F. Smeaton [19]
20John R. Smith [19]
21Stephanie L. Smith [4]
22Chitturi Suresh [16]
23C. H. Turner [9]
24Sanjay Vitthal [3]
25Arjen P. de Vries [19]
26Lide Wu [19]
27Marwan E. Yazbeck [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)