2009 |
31 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Miguel Correia,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Sharing Memory between Byzantine Processes Using Policy-Enforced Tuple Spaces.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 20(3): 419-432 (2009) |
2008 |
30 | EE | Jim Lau,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Giuliana Santos Veronese:
Designing Fault Tolerant Web Services Using BPEL.
ACIS-ICIS 2008: 618-623 |
29 | EE | Giuliana Santos Veronese,
Miguel Correia,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Paulo Veríssimo:
Finite Memory: A Vulnerability of Intrusion-Tolerant Systems.
NCA 2008: 37-44 |
2007 |
28 | EE | Lau Cheuk Lung,
Joni da Silva Fraga:
Adapting the FT-CORBA Replication Management Service for Large-scale Distributed Systems.
ACIS-ICIS 2007: 652-657 |
27 | EE | Heverson Borba Ribeiro,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Altair Olivo Santin,
Neander Larsen Brisola:
Implementing a Peer-to-Peer Web Browser for Publishing and Searching Web Pages on Internet.
AINA 2007: 754-761 |
26 | EE | Lau Cheuk Lung,
Marcelo Shinji Higashiyama,
Rafael R. Obelheiro,
Joni da Silva Fraga:
Adapting the UCON_ABC Usage Control Policies on CORBASec Infrastructure.
AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 483-488 |
25 | EE | Fábio Favarim,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Miguel Correia,
João Felipe Santos:
Exploiting Tuple Spaces to Provide Fault-Tolerant Scheduling on Computational Grids.
ISORC 2007: 403-411 |
24 | EE | Fábio Favarim,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Miguel Correia:
GRIDTS: A New Approach for Fault-Tolerant Scheduling in Grid Computing.
NCA 2007: 187-194 |
23 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Miguel Correia,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Decoupled Quorum-Based Byzantine-Resilient Coordination in Open Distributed Systems.
NCA 2007: 231-238 |
22 | EE | Giuliana Santos Veronese,
Miguel Correia,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Paulo Veríssimo:
On the Effects of Finite Memory on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems.
PRDC 2007: 401-404 |
21 | EE | Miguel Correia,
Nuno Ferreira Neves,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Paulo Veríssimo:
Worm-IT - A wormhole-based intrusion-tolerant group communication system.
Journal of Systems and Software 80(2): 178-197 (2007) |
2006 |
20 | EE | Christiane M. Bortoleto,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Frank Siqueira:
Large-Scale Media Delivery using a Semi-Reliable Multicast Protocol.
AINA (1) 2006: 439-444 |
19 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Miguel Correia,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Brief Announcement: Decoupled Quorum-Based Byzantine-Resilient Coordination in Open Distributed Systems.
DISC 2006: 554-556 |
18 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Miguel Correia,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Sharing Memory between Byzantine Processes using Policy-Enforced Tuple Spaces.
ICDCS 2006: 35 |
17 | EE | Lau Cheuk Lung,
Fábio Favarim,
Giuliana Teixeira Santos,
Miguel Correia:
An Infrastructure for Adaptive Fault Tolerance on FT-CORBA.
ISORC 2006: 504-511 |
16 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
BTS: a Byzantine fault-tolerant tuple space.
SAC 2006: 429-433 |
2005 |
15 | EE | Giuliana Teixeira Santos,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Carlos Montez:
FTWeb: A Fault Tolerant Infrastructure for Web Services.
EDOC 2005: 95-105 |
14 | EE | Christiane M. Bortoleto,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Frank Siqueira,
Alysson Neves Bessani,
Joni da Silva Fraga:
A Semi-reliable Multicast Protocol for Distributed Multimedia Applications in Large Scale Networks.
MMNS 2005: 109-120 |
13 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Extending the UMIOP Specification for Reliable Multicast in CORBA.
OTM Conferences (1) 2005: 662-679 |
12 | EE | Daniel Borusch,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Alysson Neves Bessani,
Joni da Silva Fraga:
Integrating the ROMIOP and ETF Specifications for Atomic Multicast in CORBA.
OTM Conferences (1) 2005: 680-697 |
11 | EE | Miguel Correia,
Nuno Ferreira Neves,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Paulo Veríssimo:
Low complexity Byzantine-resilient consensus.
Distributed Computing 17(3): 237-249 (2005) |
10 | EE | Michelle S. Wangham,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Ricardo J. Rabelo,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Secure mobile agent system and its application in the trust building process of virtual enterprises.
Multiagent and Grid Systems 1(3): 147-168 (2005) |
2004 |
9 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Eduardo Adílio Pelinson Alchieri:
Active Replication in CORBA: Standards, Protocols, and Implementation Framework.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (2) 2004: 1395-1412 |
2003 |
8 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Alcides Calsavara:
Integrating the Unreliable Multicast Inter-ORB Protocol in MJACO.
DAIS 2003: 200-211 |
7 | EE | Alysson Neves Bessani,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Implementing the Multicast Inter-ORB Protocol.
ISORC 2003: 135-138 |
2002 |
6 | | Carla Merkle Westphall,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Michelle S. Wangham,
Rafael R. Obelheiro,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
Policap-Proposal, Development and Evaluation of a Policy. Service and Capabilities for CORBA Security.
SEC 2002: 263-274 |
5 | EE | Miguel Correia,
Lau Cheuk Lung,
Nuno Ferreira Neves,
Paulo Veríssimo:
Efficient Byzantine-Resilient Reliable Multicast on a Hybrid Failure Model.
SRDS 2002: 2-11 |
4 | EE | Carla Merkle Westphall,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Michelle S. Wangham,
Lau Cheuk Lung:
JaCoWeb Security - A CORBA Security Discretionary Prototype.
CLEI Electron. J. 3(2): (2002) |
2001 |
3 | | Lau Cheuk Lung,
Joni da Silva Fraga:
Extensões nas especificações FT-CORBA para Sistemas Distribuídos de Larga Escala.
RITA 8(3): 73-87 (2001) |
1999 |
2 | EE | Lau Cheuk Lung,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Carlos Maziero:
MetaFT-A Reflective Approach to Implement Replication Techniques in CORBA.
SCCC 1999: 25-34 |
1 | EE | Lau Cheuk Lung,
Joni da Silva Fraga,
Jean-Marie Farines,
Michael Ogg,
Aleta Ricciardi:
CosNamingFT - A Fault-Tolerant CORBA Naming Service.
SRDS 1999: 254-262 |