
Aleta Ricciardi

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20EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Aleta Ricciardi: A knowledge-theoretic analysis of uniform distributed coordination and failure detectors. Distributed Computing 17(3): 223-236 (2005)
19EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Aleta Ricciardi: A Knowledge-Theoretic Analysis of Uniform Distributed Coordination and Failure Detectors CoRR cs.DC/0402012: (2004)
18EEBenchiao Jai, Michael Ogg, Aleta Ricciardi: Effortless software interoperability with Jinistar connection technology. Bell Labs Technical Journal 5(2): 88-101 (2000)
17EEJoseph Y. Halpern, Aleta Ricciardi: A Knowledge-Theoretic Analysis of Uniform Distributed Coordination and Failure Detectors. PODC 1999: 73-82
16EELau Cheuk Lung, Joni da Silva Fraga, Jean-Marie Farines, Michael Ogg, Aleta Ricciardi: CosNamingFT - A Fault-Tolerant CORBA Naming Service. SRDS 1999: 254-262
15EEAlessandro Amoroso, Keith Marzullo, Aleta Ricciardi: Wide-Area Nile: A Case Study of a Wide-Area Data-Parallel Application. ICDCS 1998: 506-515
14 Aleta Ricciardi, Paul Grisham: Toward Software Synthesis for Distributed Applications. TARK 1998: 15-27
13EEMeng-Jang Lin, Aleta Ricciardi, Keith Marzullo: A New Model for Availability in the Face of Self-Propagating Attacks. Workshop on New Security Paradigms 1998: 134-137
12 Aleta Ricciardi, Michael Ogg, Fabio Previato: Experience with Distributed Replicated Objects: The Nile Project. TAPOS 4(2): 107-115 (1998)
11 Aleta Ricciardi: The Sage Project: A New Approach to Software Engineering for Distributed Applications. ICDCS 1997: 0-
10EEKeith Marzullo, Michael Ogg, Aleta Ricciardi, Alessandro Amoroso, F. Andrew Calkins, Eric Rothfus: NILE: wide-area computing for high energy physics. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1996: 49-54
9 Aleta Ricciardi: Impossibility of (Repeated) Reliable Broadcast (Abstract). PODC 1996: 342
8 Michael Ogg, Aleta Ricciardi: Architecture Decisions for Wide Area Applications (Abstract). PODC 1995: 259
7 Aleta Ricciardi: Dissecting Distributed Coordination. WDAG 1995: 101-115
6 Dalia Malki, Kenneth P. Birman, Aleta Ricciardi, André Schiper: Uniform Actions in Asynchronous Distributed Systems (Extended Abstract). PODC 1994: 274-283
5 André Schiper, Aleta Ricciardi: Virtually-Synchronous Communication Based on a Weak Failure Suspector. FTCS 1993: 534-543
4 Aleta Ricciardi: Practical Utility of Knowledge-Based Analyses. TARK 1992: 15-28
3 Aleta Ricciardi, Kenneth P. Birman, Pat Stephenson: The Cost of Order in Asynchronous Systems. WDAG 1992: 329-345
2 Aleta Ricciardi, Kenneth P. Birman: Using Process Groups to Implement Failure Detection in Asynchronous Environments. PODC 1991: 341-353
1EEAleta Ricciardi, Kenneth P. Birman: A formalism for fault-tolerant applications in asynchronous systems. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Amoroso [10] [15]
2Kenneth P. Birman (Ken Birman) [1] [2] [3] [6]
3F. Andrew Calkins [10]
4Jean-Marie Farines [16]
5Joni da Silva Fraga [16]
6Paul Grisham [14]
7Joseph Y. Halpern [17] [19] [20]
8Benchiao Jai [18]
9Meng-Jang Lin [13]
10Lau Cheuk Lung [16]
11Dahlia Malkhi (Dalia Malki) [6]
12Keith Marzullo [10] [13] [15]
13Michael Ogg [8] [10] [12] [16] [18]
14Fabio Previato [12]
15Eric Rothfus [10]
16André Schiper [5] [6]
17Pat Stephenson [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)