
Andrew Lum

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7 Judy Kay, Andrew Lum, Diego Zapata-Rivera: Learner Modelling for Reflection, to Support Learner Control, Metacognition and Improved Communication between Teachers and Learners. AIED 2005: 1005
6 Judy Kay, Andrew Lum: Exploiting Readily Available Web Data for Scrutable Student Models. AIED 2005: 338-345
5EETrent Apted, Judy Kay, Andrew Lum: SupportingMetadata Creation with an Ontology Built from an Extensible Dictionary. AH 2004: 4-13
4EEJudy Kay, Andrew Lum: Building User Models from Observations of Users Accessing Multimedia Learning Objects. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2003: 36-57
3EETrent Apted, Judy Kay, Andrew Lum, James Uther: Visualisation of Ontological Inferences for User Control of Personal Web Agents. IV 2003: 306-313
2EEAndrew Lum: Scrutable User Models in Decentralised Adaptive Systems. User Modeling 2003: 426-428
1EESam Holden, Judy Kay, Andrew Lum: Visualisation of Document and Concept Spaces. ADCS 2002

Coauthor Index

1Trent Apted [3] [5]
2Sam Holden [1]
3Judy Kay [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4James Uther [3]
5Diego Zapata-Rivera [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)