
Roberto Lublinerman

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9EEPaul Caspi, Albert Benveniste, Roberto Lublinerman, Stavros Tripakis: Actors without Directors: A Kahnian View of Heterogeneous Systems. HSCC 2009: 46-60
8EERoberto Lublinerman, Christian Szegedy, Stavros Tripakis: Modular code generation from synchronous block diagrams: modularity vs. code size. POPL 2009: 78-89
7EEGrant Schindler, Panchapagesan Krishnamurthy, Roberto Lublinerman, Yanxi Liu, Frank Dellaert: Detecting and matching repeated patterns for automatic geo-tagging in urban environments. CVPR 2008
6EEYanxi Liu, Tamara Belkina, James Hays, Roberto Lublinerman: Image de-fencing. CVPR 2008
5EERoberto Lublinerman, Stavros Tripakis: Modularity vs. Reusability: Code Generation from Synchronous Block Diagrams. DATE 2008: 1504-1509
4EERoberto Lublinerman, Stavros Tripakis: Translating data flow to synchronous block diagrams. ESTImedia 2008: 101-106
3EERoberto Lublinerman, Stavros Tripakis: Modular Code Generation from Triggered and Timed Block Diagrams. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2008: 147-158
2EERoberto Lublinerman, Mario Sznaier, Octavia I. Camps: Dynamics Based Robust Motion Segmentation. CVPR (1) 2006: 1176-1184
1EERoberto Lublinerman, Necmiye Ozay, Dimitrios Zarpalas, Octavia I. Camps: Activity Recognition from Silhouettes using Linear Systems and Model (In)validation Techniques. ICPR (1) 2006: 347-350

Coauthor Index

1Tamara Belkina [6]
2Albert Benveniste [9]
3Octavia I. Camps [1] [2]
4Paul Caspi [9]
5Frank Dellaert [7]
6James Hays [6]
7Panchapagesan Krishnamurthy [7]
8Yanxi Liu [6] [7]
9Necmiye Ozay [1]
10Grant Schindler [7]
11Christian Szegedy [8]
12Mario Sznaier [2]
13Stavros Tripakis [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]
14Dimitrios Zarpalas [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)