
Erik Wilde

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42EEErik Wilde, Susanne Boll, Keith Cheverst, Peter Fröhlich, Ross Purves, Johannes Schöning: Location and the web: (LocWeb 2009). CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4737-4740
41EEErik Wilde, Susanne Boll, Keith Cheverst, Peter Fröhlich, Ross Purves, Johannes Schöning: Second International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2009). LocWeb 2009: 1
40EECesare Pautasso, Erik Wilde: Why is the web loosely coupled?: a multi-faceted metric for service design. WWW 2009: 911-920
39 Susanne Boll, Christopher Jones, Eric Kansa, Puneet Kishor, Mor Naaman, Ross Purves, Arno Scharl, Erik Wilde: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Location and the Web, LocWeb 2008, Beijing, China, April 22, 2008 ACM 2008
38EEEric Kansa, Erik Wilde: Tourism, Peer Production, and Location-Based Service Design. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 629-636
37EEErik Wilde, Yiming Liu: Lightweight linked data. IRI 2008: 196-201
36EESusanne Boll, Christopher Jones, Eric Kansa, Puneet Kishor, Mor Naaman, Ross Purves, Arno Scharl, Erik Wilde: Location and the Web: (LocWeb 2008). LocWeb 2008
35EEErik Wilde, Martin Kofahl: The locative web. LocWeb 2008: 1-8
34EEErik Wilde: Location management for mobile devices. WOWMOM 2008: 1-8
33EESusanne Boll, Christopher Jones, Eric Kansa, Puneet Kishor, Mor Naaman, Ross Purves, Arno Scharl, Erik Wilde: Location and the web (LocWeb 2008). WWW 2008: 1261-1262
32EEErik Wilde, Robert J. Glushko: Document design matters. Commun. ACM 51(10): 43-49 (2008)
31EEErik Wilde, Robert J. Glushko: XML fever. Commun. ACM 51(7): 40-46 (2008)
30EEErik Wilde, Sai Anand, Thierry Bucheler, Max Jorg, Nick Nabholz, Petra Zimmermann: Collaboration support for bibliographic data. IJWBC 4(1): 98-109 (2008)
29EEErik Wilde, Philippe C. Cattin: Presenting in html. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2007: 35-36
28EEErik Wilde: What are you talking about? IEEE SCC 2007: 256-261
27EEErik Wilde: Declarative Web 2.0. IRI 2007: 612-617
26EEFelix Michel, Erik Wilde: Extensible schema documentation with XSLT 2.0. WWW 2007: 1339-1340
25EEErik Wilde, Felix Michel: SPath: a path language for XML schema. WWW 2007: 1343-1344
24EEErik Wilde, Felix Michel: XML-based XML schema access. WWW 2007: 1351-1352
23EEKaspar Giger, Erik Wilde: XPath filename expansion in a Unix shell. WWW 2006: 863-864
22EEErik Wilde: Structuring namespace descriptions. WWW 2006: 881-882
21EEErik Wilde: Tables and trees don't mix (very well). WWW 2006: 885-886
20EEErik Wilde: Merging trees: file system and content integration. WWW 2006: 955-956
19 Erik Wilde: Towards Conceptual Modeling for XML. Berliner XML Tage 2005: 213-224
18 Erik Wilde: Augmenting XHTML for Help and Documentation. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 251-255
17 Erik Wilde, Nick Nabholz: Access Control for Shared Resources. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 256-260
16EEErik Wilde, Sai Anand, Petra Zimmermann: Management and Sharing of Bibliographies. ECDL 2005: 479-480
15EEErik Wilde, Marcel Baschnagel: Fragment identifiers for plain text files. Hypertext 2005: 211-213
14EEErik Wilde: Describing namespaces with GRDDL. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1002-1003
13EESai Anand, Erik Wilde: Mapping XML instances. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 888-889
12 Erik Wilde: Metaschema Layering for XML. Berliner XML Tage 2004: 107-122
11EEErik Wilde: Semantically Extensible Schemas for Web Service Evolution. ECOWS 2004: 30-45
10 Erik Wilde: Protecting Legacy Applications from Unicode. ICETE (1) 2004: 144-151
9 Erik Wilde, Jacqueline Schwerzmann: When Business Models Go Bad: The Music Industry's Future. ICETE (1) 2004: 48-54
8EEErik Wilde: Character Repertoire Validation for XML Documents. WWW (Posters) 2003
7EEErik Wilde, Martin Waldburger, Beat Krähenmann: Conference Time-Table Management. WWW (Posters) 2003
6EEErik Wilde, Kilian Stillhard: Making XML Schema Easier to Read and Write. WWW (Posters) 2003
5EEErik Wilde: XML Technologies Dissected. IEEE Internet Computing 7(5): 74-78 (2003)
4EELuca Previtali, Brenno Lurati, Erik Wilde: BibTeXML: An XML Representation of BibTeX. WWW Posters 2001
3EEMarcel Dasen, Erik Wilde: Keeping Web Indices up-to-date. WWW Posters 2001
2EEErik Wilde, David Lowe: From Content-Centered Publishing to a Link-based View of Information Resources. HICSS 2000
1 Erik Wilde, Pascal Freiburghaus, Daniel Koller, Bernhard Plattner: A Group and Session Management System for Distributed Multimedia Applications. COST 237 Workshop 1996: 1-22

Coauthor Index

1Sai Anand [13] [16] [30]
2Marcel Baschnagel [15]
3Susanne Boll [33] [36] [39] [41] [42]
4Thierry Bucheler [30]
5Philippe C. Cattin [29]
6Keith Cheverst [41] [42]
7Marcel Dasen [3]
8Pascal Freiburghaus [1]
9Peter Fröhlich [41] [42]
10Kaspar Giger [23]
11Robert J. Glushko [31] [32]
12Christopher Jones [33] [36] [39]
13Max Jorg [30]
14Eric Kansa [33] [36] [38] [39]
15Puneet Kishor [33] [36] [39]
16Martin Kofahl [35]
17Daniel Koller [1]
18Beat Krähenmann [7]
19Yiming Liu [37]
20David Lowe (David B. Lowe) [2]
21Brenno Lurati [4]
22Felix Michel [24] [25] [26]
23Mor Naaman [33] [36] [39]
24Nick Nabholz [17] [30]
25Cesare Pautasso [40]
26Bernhard Plattner [1]
27Luca Previtali [4]
28Ross Purves (Ross S. Purves) [33] [36] [39] [41] [42]
29Arno Scharl [33] [36] [39]
30Johannes Schöning [41] [42]
31Jacqueline Schwerzmann [9]
32Kilian Stillhard [6]
33Martin Waldburger [7]
34Petra Zimmermann [16] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)