
Yushu Liu

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11EEShibin Zhou, Kan Li, Yushu Liu: Text Classification Based on a Novel Bayesian Hierarchical Model. FSKD (2) 2008: 218-221
10EEXin Sun, Kan Li, Yushu Liu, Yong Tian: SLUP: A Semantic-Based and Location-Aware Unstructured P2P Network. HPCC 2008: 288-295
9EEShibin Zhou, Shidong Feng, Yushu Liu: Kernel-Based Text Classification on Statistical Manifold. ISNN (1) 2008: 462-471
8EEShibin Zhou, Kan Li, Yushu Liu: Text Categorization Based on Topic Model. RSKT 2008: 572-579
7EELi Pu, Weiqi Jin, Yushu Liu: A Post Wavelet Iterative FilteringMap Super-resolution Algorithm. FSKD (4) 2007: 226-230
6 Kan Li, Yushu Liu: A novel spectral clustering algorithm. IC-AI 2007: 365-368
5EELi Wang, Yushu Liu, Yuanqing Xu: Multi-objective PSO Algorithm Based on Fitness Sharing and Online Elite Archiving. ICIC (1) 2006: 964-974
4EEYingfan Gao, Runbo Ma, Yushu Liu: Fast Text Categorization Based on a Novel Class Space Model. MICAI 2006: 1007-1016
3EEHao Li, Constance L. Wood, Yushu Liu, Thomas V. Getchell, Marilyn L. Getchell, Arnold J. Stromberg: Identification of gene expression patterns using planned linear contrasts. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 245 (2006)
2EEKan Li, Yushu Liu: KFCSA: A Novel Clustering Algorithm for High-Dimension Data. FSKD (1) 2005: 531-536
1EEYadong Wu, Yushu Liu, Shouyi Zhan, Chunxiao Gao: Efficient View-dependent Rendering of Terrains. Graphics Interface 2001: 217-222

Coauthor Index

1Shidong Feng [9]
2Chunxiao Gao [1]
3Yingfan Gao [4]
4Marilyn L. Getchell [3]
5Thomas V. Getchell [3]
6Weiqi Jin [7]
7Hao Li [3]
8Kan Li [2] [6] [8] [10] [11]
9Runbo Ma [4]
10Li Pu [7]
11Arnold J. Stromberg [3]
12Xin Sun [10]
13Yong Tian [10]
14Li Wang [5]
15Constance L. Wood [3]
16Yadong Wu [1]
17Yuanqing Xu [5]
18Shouyi Zhan [1]
19Shibin Zhou [8] [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)