
Xian Liu

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32EEXian Liu: Small Logarithmic S-Boxes for Small Ciphers. GLOBECOM 2008: 1857-1861
31EEXian Liu: Alternative Approaches of Capacity Assignment for Delay Bounded Traffic. GLOBECOM 2008: 2344-2348
30EEXian Liu: On the Availability of Wireless Sensor Networks. WCNC 2008: 3081-3086
29EEXian Liu: Performance of the Wireless Optical Communication System with Variable Wavelength and Bessel Pointing Loss Factor. WCNC 2008: 797-802
28EEXian Liu, Jin-Zhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang: Dynamics and Chaos Control of Nonlinear Systems with Attraction/Repulsion Function. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 18(8): 2345-2371 (2008)
27EEXian Liu: A Class of Continuously Differentiable Filled Functions for Global Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 38(1): 38-47 (2008)
26EEZafar Q. Taha, Xian Liu: An Adaptive Coding Technique For PAPR Reduction. GLOBECOM 2007: 376-380
25EEXian Liu: Capacity Assignment for Delay Bounded Packet Traffic. GLOBECOM 2007: 492-496
24EEXian Liu: The Free-Space Optics System Using QCL: Models and Solutions. ICC 2007: 2457-2461
23EEXian Liu: Optimality of the Second Order Metrics of the M/M/2 System with Heterogeneous Service Rates. ICC 2007: 6350-6355
22EEXian Liu, Jin-Zhi Wang, Lin Huang: Attractors of Fourth-Order Chua's Circuit and Chaos Control. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(8): 2705-2722 (2007)
21EEFeilong Xu, Xian Liu, Changcheng Huang: SAM: A New Bandwidth Constraint Model for Diff-Serv-Aware MPLS Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
20EEXian Liu: The Russian-Doll Bandwidth Constraints for a Compound Arrival Process. GLOBECOM 2006
19EEXian Liu, Yupo Chan, Wilsun Xu: Stochastic programming methods applied to network optimization. Perform. Eval. 63(9-10): 1005-1015 (2006)
18EEXian Liu, David Nelson, Simon Stobart, Sue Stirk: Managing Schema Versions in Object-Oriented Databases. ADBIS 2005: 97-108
17EEXian Liu, Yupo Chan: Performance Analysis of Route Discovery in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Unified Model. ICCNMC 2005: 314-323
16EEXian Liu: The role of stochastic programming in communication network design. Computers & OR 32: 2329-2349 (2005)
15EEXian Liu, Wilsun Xu: A new filled function applied to global optimization. Computers & OR 31(1): 61-80 (2004)
14EEDongfang Zheng, Xian Liu, Mrinal K. Mandal, Weidong Lu: Virtual Path Optimization in Connection-Oriented Networks with Stochastic Traffic. J. Network Syst. Manage. 12(3): (2004)
13EEXian Liu, Feilong Xu: A softerware monitor for shared-memory multiprocessor computers. Softw., Pract. Exper. 34(8): 757-776 (2004)
12 Xian Liu, Jia Zhang: CAD Optimization of Single Phase Induction Motors. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 171-176
11 Xian Liu, Jia Zhang: A New Global Optimization Method. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 281-285
10 Jia Zhang, Ugo Buy, Xian Liu: A Framework for the Efficient Production of Web Applications. Modelling and Simulation 2003: 44-49
9EEXian Liu: Capacity and flow assignment issues in MPLS networks. Int. Journal of Network Management 13(3): 173-179 (2003)
8EEXian Liu: Network capacity allocation for traffic with time priorities. Int. Journal of Network Management 13(6): 411-417 (2003)
7EEXian Liu, Wilsun Xu: A Stochastic Programming Approach for Range Query Retrieval Problems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 14(4): 867-880 (2002)
6EEXian Liu: Network optimization with stochastic traffic flows. Int. Journal of Network Management 12(4): 225-234 (2002)
5EEXian Liu, Patrick G. Farrell, Colin Boyd: A Unified Code. IMA Int. Conf. 1999: 84-93
4 Xian Liu, Günther F. Schrack: A New Ordering Strategy Applied to Spatial Data Processing. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12(1): 3-22 (1998)
3 Xian Liu, Patrick G. Farrell, Colin Boyd: Resisting the Bergen-Hogan Attack on Adaptive Arithmetic Coding. IMA Int. Conf. 1997: 199-208
2EEXian Liu, Günther F. Schrack: An algorithm for encoding and decoding the 3-D Hilbert order. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(9): 1333-1337 (1997)
1 Xian Liu, Günther F. Schrack: Encoding and Decoding the Hilbert Order. Softw., Pract. Exper. 26(12): 1335-1346 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Colin Boyd [3] [5]
2Ugo Buy [10]
3Yupo Chan [17] [19]
4Zhisheng Duan [28]
5Patrick G. Farrell [3] [5]
6Changcheng Huang [21]
7Lin Huang [22] [28]
8Weidong Lu [14]
9Mrinal K. Mandal [14]
10David Nelson [18]
11Günther F. Schrack [1] [2] [4]
12Sue Stirk [18]
13Simon Stobart [18]
14Zafar Q. Taha [26]
15Jin-Zhi Wang [22] [28]
16Feilong Xu [13] [21]
17Wilsun Xu [7] [15] [19]
18Jia Zhang [10] [11] [12]
19Dongfang Zheng [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)