
Yupo Chan

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7EEYupo Chan, Jean M. Mahan, James W. Chrissis, David A. Drake, Dong Wang: Hierarchical maximal-coverage location-allocation: Case of generalized search-and-rescue. Computers & OR 35(6): 1886-1904 (2008)
6EEXian Liu, Yupo Chan, Wilsun Xu: Stochastic programming methods applied to network optimization. Perform. Eval. 63(9-10): 1005-1015 (2006)
5EEAlan Robinson, Yupo Chan, Dennis C. Dietz: Detecting a Security Disturbance in Multi Commodity Stochastic Networks. Telecommunication Systems 31(1): 11-27 (2006)
4EEXian Liu, Yupo Chan: Performance Analysis of Route Discovery in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Unified Model. ICCNMC 2005: 314-323
3EEPeter Thomas, Yupo Chan, Lee Lehmkuhl, William Nixon: Obnoxious-facility location and data-envelopment analysis: A combined distance-based formulation. European Journal of Operational Research 141(3): 495-514 (2002)
2EEYupo Chan, William B. Carter, Michael D. Burnes: A multiple-depot, multiple-vehicle, location-routing problem with stochastically processed demands. Computers & OR 28(8): 803-826 (2001)
1EEYupo Chan: Configuring a transportation route network via the method of successive approximation. Computers & OR 1(3-4): 385-420 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Michael D. Burnes [2]
2William B. Carter [2]
3James W. Chrissis [7]
4Dennis C. Dietz [5]
5David A. Drake [7]
6Lee Lehmkuhl [3]
7Xian Liu [4] [6]
8Jean M. Mahan [7]
9William Nixon [3]
10Alan Robinson [5]
11Peter Thomas [3]
12Dong Wang [7]
13Wilsun Xu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)