
Jonathan C. L. Liu

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33EEJu Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Optimising uplink scheduling in an integrated 3G/WLAN network. IJWMC 2(4): 288-302 (2007)
32EEEunsam Kim, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Time-aware prefetching for on-demand video services in a residential service gateway. Multimedia Tools Appl. 29(3): 233-255 (2006)
31EEKairui Chen, Hui-Chuan Chen, Richard Borie, Jonathan C. L. Liu: File replication in video on demand services. ACM Southeast Regional Conference (1) 2005: 162-167
30EEYu-Ju Lin, Haniph A. Latchman, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Richard E. Newman: Periodic Contention-Free Multiple Access for Power Line Communication Networks. AINA 2005: 315-318
29EEEunsam Kim, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Optimizing Prefetch in a Residential Gateway with Networked Storage Systems. ICME 2005: 1050-1053
28EEJu Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu: An iterative power allocation algorithm in OFDM system based on power relaxation. ICME 2005: 73-76
27EEJu Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Content-based block watermarking against cumulative and temporal attack. ICME 2005: 77-80
26EEEunsam Kim, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Exploitation of disk cache for VOD services in network-attached storage systems. ITRE 2005: 120-124
25EEJu Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Interference Minimization and Uplink Relaying for a 3G/WLAN Network. SNPD 2005: 388-395
24EEChung-wei Lee, Randy Chow, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Enhancing aggregate QoS for video streaming. Computer Communications 28(18): 2133-2145 (2005)
23 A. S. Abraham, Ju Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Bandwidth-aware video encoding with adaptive image scaling. ICME 2004: 157-160
22 Ju Wang, A. R. Steele, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Efficient integration of watermarking with MPEG compression. ICME 2004: 911-914
21EEJu Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Yuehao Cen: Analysis of Soft Handoff Algorithms with Dynamic Spreading WCDMA System. AINA 2003: 737-742
20 Ju Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Joseph Lin: A Partition-Based Parallel MPEG-2 Software Decoder. JCIS 2002: 1009-1012
19 Ju Wang, Mehmet Ali Elicin, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Multimedia Support for Wireless W-CDMA with Dynamic Spreading. Wireless Networks 8(4): 355-370 (2002)
18EERandy Chow, Chung-wei Lee, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Traffic Dispersion Strategies for Multimedia Streaming. FTDCS 2001: 18-24
17EEChung-wei Lee, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Randy Chow, Richard E. Newman: Altruistic QoS Routing with Multimedia Dispersion. ICME 2001
16EEJonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du: Guest Editors' Introduction: Continuous Media on Demand. IEEE Computer 34(9): 37-39 (2001)
15EEJonathan C. L. Liu, Lin Xia, David Hung-Chang Du, Rose P. Tsang, Allalaghatta Pavan: Scheduling Algorithms for A High-Speed Switch Supporting Real-Time Periodic Traffic Sources. LCN 2000: 686-695
14EEJonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du, Simon S. Y. Shim, Jenwei Hsieh, Mengjou Lin: Design and Evaluation of a Generic Software Architecture for On-Demand Video Servers. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(3): 406-424 (1999)
13EESheau-Ru Tong, Yee-Foon Huang, Jonathan C. L. Liu: Study on Disk Zoning for Video Servers. ICMCS 1998: 86-95
12 David Hung-Chang Du, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Jenwei Hsieh, Ronald J. Vetter: Building video-on-demand servers. Telecommunication Systems 9(3-4): 255-286 (1998)
11 Yuewei Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du, Jenwei Hsieh: Efficient Video File Allocation Schemes for Video-on-Demand Services. Multimedia Syst. 5(5): 283-296 (1997)
10 Yuewei Wang, Jonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du, Jenwei Hsieh: Video File Allocation over Disk Arrays for Video-On-Demand. ICMCS 1996: 160-163
9 Jonathan C. L. Liu, Jenwei Hsieh, David Hung-Chang Du, Mengjou Lin: Performance of a Storage System for Supporting Different Video Types and Qualities. INFOCOM 1996: 2-9
8 Jonathan C. L. Liu, Jenwei Hsieh, David Hung-Chang Du, Mengjou Lin: Performance of a Storage System for Supporting Different Video Types and Qualities. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(7): 1314-1331 (1996)
7 Jenwei Hsieh, Mengjou Lin, Jonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du, Thomas Ruwart: Performance of a Mass Storage System for Video-On-Demand. INFOCOM 1995: 771-778
6 Jonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du, James A. Schnepf: Flexible Storage Placement of Digital Video Media. INFOCOM 1995: 788-795
5EEAllalaghatta Pavan, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Aloke Guha, Jack Pugaczewski, Mowaffak Midani: Experimental evaluation of real-time support on the Mercuri wide area ATM testbed. LCN 1995: 82-91
4 Jonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du, James A. Schnepf: Supporting Random Access on Real-Time Retrieval of Digital Continuous Media. Computer Communications 18(3): 145-159 (1995)
3 Aloke Guha, Allalaghatta Pavan, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Ajay Rastogi, Todd Steeves: Supporting Real-Time and Multimedia Applications on the Mercuri Testbed. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(4): 749-763 (1995)
2EEAloke Guha, Allalaghatta Pavan, Jonathan C. L. Liu, Barry A. Roberts: Controlling the Process with Distributed Multimedia. IEEE MultiMedia 2(2): 20-29 (1995)
1EEJun-Wei Hsieh, Mengjou Lin, Jonathan C. L. Liu, David Hung-Chang Du, Thomas Ruwart: Performance of a Mass-Storage System for Video-on-Demand. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 30(2): 147-167 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1A. S. Abraham [23]
2Richard Borie [31]
3Yuehao Cen [21]
4Hui-Chuan Chen [31]
5Kairui Chen [31]
6Randy Chow [17] [18] [24]
7David Hung-Chang Du [1] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
8Mehmet Ali Elicin [19]
9Aloke Guha [2] [3] [5]
10Jenwei Hsieh [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
11Jun-Wei Hsieh [1]
12Yee-Foon Huang [13]
13Eunsam Kim [26] [29] [32]
14Haniph A. Latchman [30]
15Chung-wei Lee [17] [18] [24]
16Joseph Lin [20]
17Mengjou Lin [1] [7] [8] [9] [14]
18Yu-Ju Lin [30]
19Mowaffak Midani [5]
20Richard E. Newman [17] [30]
21Allalaghatta Pavan [2] [3] [5] [15]
22Jack Pugaczewski [5]
23Ajay Rastogi [3]
24Barry A. Roberts [2]
25Thomas Ruwart [1] [7]
26James A. Schnepf [4] [6]
27Simon S. Y. Shim [14]
28A. R. Steele [22]
29Todd Steeves [3]
30Sheau-Ru Tong [13]
31Rose P. Tsang [15]
32Ronald J. Vetter [12]
33Ju Wang [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [25] [27] [28] [33]
34Yuewei Wang [10] [11]
35Lin Xia [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)