
Guilong Liu

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7EEGuilong Liu, Ying Sai: A comparison of two types of rough sets induced by coverings. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 50(3): 521-528 (2009)
6EEGuilong Liu, James Kuodo Huang: An Equivalent Definition of Rough Sets. RSCTC 2008: 52-60
5EEGuilong Liu, William Zhu: The algebraic structures of generalized rough set theory. Inf. Sci. 178(21): 4105-4113 (2008)
4EEGuilong Liu: Generalized rough sets over fuzzy lattices. Inf. Sci. 178(6): 1651-1662 (2008)
3EEGuilong Liu: Axiomatic systems for rough sets and fuzzy rough sets. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 48(3): 857-867 (2008)
2EEGuilong Liu, Xiaoli Song, Xiaoxia Zhao: Rough Sets and Zadeh's Extension Principles. GrC 2007: 180-185
1EEGuilong Liu, Delin Qu, Rou Song: Topological structures of rough sets over fuzzy lattices. GrC 2005: 535-538

Coauthor Index

1James Kuodo Huang [6]
2Delin Qu [1]
3Ying Sai [7]
4Rou Song [1]
5Xiaoli Song [2]
6Xiaoxia Zhao [2]
7William Zhu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)