
James Kuodo Huang

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4EEGuilong Liu, James Kuodo Huang: An Equivalent Definition of Rough Sets. RSCTC 2008: 52-60
3EEJames Kuodo Huang, Bang-su Chen: SRML Learning Game Theory with Application to Internet Security and Management Systems. GrC 2007: 584-587
2EEJames Kuodo Huang: On Systems Software Engineering with Application to Bioinformatics. GrC 2007: 628-631
1EEJames Kuodo Huang: Self-reproducing learning, data mining and intelligent predictive systems. GrC 2005: 159-162

Coauthor Index

1Bang-su Chen [3]
2Guilong Liu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)