
Wei-Song Lin

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11EEJih-Wen Sheu, Wei-Song Lin: Designing Automatic Train Regulation for MRT system by adaptive critic method. IJCNN 2008: 406-412
10EEWei-Song Lin, Ping-Chieh Yang: Adaptive critic motion control design of autonomous wheeled mobile robot by dual heuristic programming. Automatica 44(11): 2716-2723 (2008)
9EEChun-Hsiung Fang, Wei-Song Lin: Two-dimensional shape recognition with Cosine Transform-Based Synthesized Affine Invariant Function. SMC 2007: 1072-1076
8EEWei-Song Lin, Chun-Hsiung Fang: Synthesized affine invariant function for 2D shape recognition. Pattern Recognition 40(7): 1921-1928 (2007)
7EEWei-Song Lin, Chih-Hsin Tsai, Jing-Sin Liu: Robust neuro-fuzzy control of multivariable systems by tuning consequent membership functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 124(2): 181-195 (2001)
6EEWei-Song Lin, Chih-Hsin Tsai: Self-organizing fuzzy control of multi-variable systems using learning vector quantization network. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 124(2): 197-212 (2001)
5 Sheng-Wen Shih, Yi-Ping Hung, Wei-Song Lin: Calibration of an active binocular head. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(4): 426-442 (1998)
4 Sheng-Wen Shih, Yi-Ping Hung, Wei-Song Lin: New closed-form solution for kinematic parameter identification of a binocular head using point measurements. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 28(2): 258-267 (1998)
3 Sheng-Wen Shih, Yi-Ping Hung, Wei-Song Lin: Kinematic parameter Identification of a Binocular Head Using Stereo Measurements of Single Calibration Point. ICRA 1995: 1796-1801
2 Yi-Ping Hung, Cheng-Yuan Tang, Zen Chen, Sheng-Wen Shih, Wei-Song Lin: A 3D Predictive Visual Tracker for Tracking Multiple Moving Objects with a Stereo Vision System. ICSC 1995: 25-32
1EESheng-Wen Shih, Yi-Ping Hung, Wei-Song Lin: When should we consider lens distortion in camera calibration. Pattern Recognition 28(3): 447-461 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Zen Chen [2]
2Chun-Hsiung Fang [8] [9]
3Yi-Ping Hung [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Jing-Sin Liu [7]
5Jih-Wen Sheu [11]
6Sheng-Wen Shih [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Cheng-Yuan Tang [2]
8Chih-Hsin Tsai [6] [7]
9Ping-Chieh Yang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)