
Beng Siong Lim

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3EESeth Yang En Tan, Eng Soon Loh, Toon Tien Foo, Woon Shin Chong, Chum Mok Puah, Beng Siong Lim: A micro-fluidic level sensing and dispensing system for large-scale stem cell experimentations. ETFA 2006: 116-123
2EEHao He, Anton J. R. Aendenroomer, Beng Siong Lim: Diner-Waiter Pattern for Time Critical Services. ETFA 2006: 648-654
1EEBeng Siong Lim, Geok Hong Phua, Leck Leng Aw, ZhongQiang Ding, Hao Zeng, Hao He: Multi-sensor electrode setup verification and diagnostics system for EDM Operation. ETFA 2006: 94-101

Coauthor Index

1Anton J. R. Aendenroomer [2]
2Leck Leng Aw [1]
3Woon Shin Chong [3]
4ZhongQiang Ding [1]
5Toon Tien Foo [3]
6Hao He [1] [2]
7Eng Soon Loh [3]
8Geok Hong Phua [1]
9Chum Mok Puah [3]
10Seth Yang En Tan [3]
11Hao Zeng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)