
Anton J. R. Aendenroomer

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3EEKiah Mok Goh, Benny Tjahjono, Abdul Manaf, Anton J. R. Aendenroomer: An IEC 61499 based run-to-run controller for chemical mechanical planarization process. ETFA 2008: 25-28
2EEIan McLoughlin, Anton J. R. Aendenroomer: Linux as a teaching aid for embedded systems. ICPADS 2007: 1-8
1EEHao He, Anton J. R. Aendenroomer, Beng Siong Lim: Diner-Waiter Pattern for Time Critical Services. ETFA 2006: 648-654

Coauthor Index

1Kiah Mok Goh [3]
2Hao He [1]
3Beng Siong Lim [1]
4Abdul Manaf [3]
5Ian McLoughlin [2]
6Benny Tjahjono [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)