
Y. Edmund Lien

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20EEZhiping Yu, Weijian Zhao, Zhilian Yang, Y. Edmund Lien: A Novel Algorithm for Improving Convergence Behavior of Circuit Simulators. DAC 1989: 626-629
19EEKung-Chao Chu, John P. Fishburn, Peter Honeyman, Y. Edmund Lien: A Database-Driven VLSI Design System. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 5(1): 180-187 (1986)
18EEKung-Chao Chu, Y. Edmund Lien: Technology tracking for VLSI layout design tools. DAC 1985: 279-285
17 Y. Edmund Lien: Relational Database Design. Principles of Database Design (I) 1985: 211-254
16EEKung-Chao Chu, Y. Edmund Lien: Database Concepts in the Vdd Systems. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 7(2): 21-25 (1984)
15 Kung-Chao Chu, John P. Fishburn, Peter Honeyman, Y. Edmund Lien: Vdd - A VLSI Design Database System. Engineering Design Applications 1983: 25-37
14EEY. Edmund Lien: On the Equivalence of Database Models. J. ACM 29(2): 333-362 (1982)
13 Y. Edmund Lien: Proceedings of the 1981 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 29 - May 1, 1981 ACM Press 1981
12EEY. Edmund Lien, Jonathan E. Shopiro, Shalom Tsur: DSIS - A Database System with Interrelational Semantics VLDB 1981: 465-477
11EEY. Edmund Lien: Hierarchical Schemata for Relational Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 6(1): 48-69 (1981)
10 Y. Edmund Lien, Susan K. Harris: Structured Implementation of an Image Query Language. Pictorial Information Systems 1980: 416-430
9EEY. Edmund Lien: On the Semantics of the Entity-Relationship Data Model. ER 1979: 155-168
8EEY. Edmund Lien: Multivalued Dependencies with Null Values in Relational Data Bases. VLDB 1979: 61-66
7EEY. Edmund Lien, Peter J. Weinberger: Consistency, Concurrency and Crash Recovery. SIGMOD Conference 1978: 9-14
6 James R. Driscoll, Y. Edmund Lien: A Selective Traversal Algorithm for Binary Search Trees. Commun. ACM 21(6): 445-447 (1978)
5 Neil D. Jones, Lawrence H. Landweber, Y. Edmund Lien: Complexity of Some Problems in Petri Nets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 4(3): 277-299 (1977)
4EEY. Edmund Lien: A note on transition systems. Inf. Sci. 10(4): 347-362 (1976)
3 Neil D. Jones, Y. Edmund Lien, William T. Laaser: New Problems Complete for Nondeterministic Loc Space. Mathematical Systems Theory 10: 1-17 (1976)
2 Y. Edmund Lien: Termination Properties of Generalized Petri Nets. SIAM J. Comput. 5(2): 251-265 (1976)
1EEY. Edmund Lien, Carl E. Taylor, James R. Driscoll, Mark L. Reynolds: Binary Search Tree Complex - Towards the Implementation of Relations. VLDB 1975: 540-542

Coauthor Index

1Kung-Chao Chu [15] [16] [18] [19]
2James R. Driscoll [1] [6]
3John P. Fishburn [15] [19]
4Susan K. Harris [10]
5Peter Honeyman [15] [19]
6Neil D. Jones [3] [5]
7William T. Laaser [3]
8Lawrence H. Landweber [5]
9Mark L. Reynolds [1]
10Jonathan E. Shopiro [12]
11Carl E. Taylor [1]
12Shalom Tsur [12]
13Peter J. Weinberger [7]
14Zhilian Yang [20]
15Zhiping Yu [20]
16Weijian Zhao [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)