
Qiao Li

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18EEXin Zhang, Qin Lu, Jiping Wan, Guangguang Ma, Tin Shing Chiu, Weiping Ye, Wenli Zhou, Qiao Li: Speech Synthesis for Error Training Models in CALL. ICCPOL 2009: 260-269
17EEQiao Li, Rohit Negi: Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Priorities CoRR abs/0901.2922: (2009)
16EEQiao Li, Rohit Negi: Prioritized Maximal Scheduling in Wireless Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 5187-5191
15EEGyouhwan Kim, Qiao Li, Rohit Negi: A Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithm for Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization in UWB Networks. ICC 2008: 3775-3779
14EEQiao Li, Gyouhwan Kim, Rohit Negi: Maximal Scheduling in a Hypergraph Model for Wireless Networks. ICC 2008: 3853-3857
13EEGyouhwan Kim, Qiao Li, Rohit Negi: A Graph-Based Algorithm for Scheduling with Sum-Interference in Wireless Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 5059-5063
12EELihua Feng, Qiao Li, Xiao-Dong Zhang: Spectral radii of graphs with given chromatic number. Appl. Math. Lett. 20(2): 158-162 (2007)
11EEQiao Li, Ingemar J. Cox: Using Perceptual Models to Improve Fidelity and Provide Resistance to Valumetric Scaling for Quantization Index Modulation Watermarking. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2(2): 127-139 (2007)
10EEXuewen Bao, Frank K. Hwang, Qiao Li: Rearrangeability of bit permutation networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 352(1-3): 197-214 (2006)
9EEWenlong Su, Qiao Li, Haipeng Luo, Guiqing Li: Lower bounds of Ramsey numbers based on cubic residues. Discrete Mathematics 250(1-3): 197-209 (2002)
8EEMing Wang, Qiao Li: Conditional edge connectivity properties, reliability comparisons and transitivity of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 258(1-3): 205-214 (2002)
7EEQiao Li, Sung-Mo Kang: Technology independent arbitrary device extractor. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2000: 143-146
6EEQiao Li, Sung-Mo Kang: Efficient algorithms for polygon to trapezoid decomposition and trapezoid corner stitching. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2000: 183-188
5EEQiaoliang Li, Qiao Li: Super edge connectivity properties of connected edge symmetric graphs. Networks 33(2): 157-159 (1999)
4EEQiaoliang Li, Qiao Li: Reliability analysis of circulant graphs. Networks 31(2): 61-65 (1998)
3 Yonghong Chen, Qiao Li: They are Just Butterflies. COCOON 1997: 512-513
2EEQiao Li, Dominique Sotteau, Junming Xu: 2-diameter of de Bruijn graphs. Networks 28(1): 7-14 (1996)
1EEQiao Li, Jiayu Shao: The index set problem for Boolean (or nonnegative) matrices. Discrete Mathematics 123(1-3): 75-92 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Xuewen Bao [10]
2Yonghong Chen [3]
3Tin Shing Chiu [18]
4Ingemar J. Cox [11]
5Lihua Feng [12]
6Frank K. Hwang (Frank Kwang-Ming Hwang) [10]
7Sung-Mo Kang [6] [7]
8Gyouhwan Kim [13] [14] [15]
9Guiqing Li [9]
10Qiaoliang Li [4] [5]
11Qin Lu [18]
12Haipeng Luo [9]
13Guangguang Ma [18]
14Rohit Negi [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
15Jiayu Shao [1]
16Dominique Sotteau [2]
17Wenlong Su [9]
18Jiping Wan [18]
19Ming Wang [8]
20Junming Xu [2]
21Weiping Ye [18]
22Xiao-Dong Zhang [12]
23Xin Zhang [18]
24Wenli Zhou [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)