
Suzanne Lesecq

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4EEJoe Youssef, Benoît Denis, Christelle Godin, Suzanne Lesecq: Enhanced UWB Indoor Tracking through NLOS TOA Biases Estimation. GLOBECOM 2008: 4830-4834
3EEJose-Fermi Guerrero-Castellanos, Ahmad Hably, Nicolas Marchand, Suzanne Lesecq: Bounded attitude stabilization: Application on four-rotor helicopter. ICRA 2007: 730-735
2EEAlain Barraud, Suzanne Lesecq, Nicolai Christov: From Sensitivity Analysis to Random Floating Point Arithmetics - Application to Sylvester Equations. NAA 2000: 35-41
1EESuzanne Lesecq, Alain Barraud, Nicolai Christov: On the Local Sensitivity of the Lyapunov Equations. NAA 2000: 521-526

Coauthor Index

1Alain Barraud [1] [2]
2Nicolai Christov [1] [2]
3Benoît Denis [4]
4Christelle Godin [4]
5Jose-Fermi Guerrero-Castellanos [3]
6Ahmad Hably [3]
7Nicolas Marchand [3]
8Joe Youssef [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)