
Gondy Leroy

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21EECarol Heins Gonzales, Gondy Leroy, Gianluca De Leo: Requirements engineering using appreciative inquiry for an online community of caregivers of children with autism. SAC 2009: 142-146
20EEAlicia Iriberri, Gondy Leroy: A life-cycle perspective on online community success. ACM Comput. Surv. 41(2): (2009)
19EEChih Hao Ku, Alicia Iriberri, Gondy Leroy: Natural language processing and e-Government: crime information extraction from heterogeneous data sources. DG.O 2008: 162-170
18EEAlicia Iriberri, Chih Hao Ku, Gondy Leroy: Enabling synergy between psychology and natural language processing for e-Government: crime reporting and investigative interview system. DG.O 2008: 399-400
17EEGondy Leroy, Marcelo Fiszman, Thomas C. Rindflesch: The Impact of Directionality in Predications on Text Mining. HICSS 2008: 228
16EEGianluca De Leo, Gondy Leroy: Smartphones to facilitate communication and improve social skills of children with severe autism spectrum disorder: special education teachers as proxies. IDC 2008: 45-48
15EEGondy Leroy, Trudi Miller, Graciela Rosemblat, Allen Browne: A balanced approach to health information evaluation: A vocabulary-based naïve Bayes classifier and readability formulas. JASIST 59(9): 1409-1419 (2008)
14EETrudi Miller, Gondy Leroy, Samir Chatterjee, Jie Fan, Brian Thoms: A Classifier to Evaluate Language Specificity of Medical Documents. HICSS 2007: 134
13EEAlicia Iriberri, Gondy Leroy: Natural Language Processing and e-Government: Extracting Reusable Crime Report Information. IRI 2007: 221-226
12EEGondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen: Introduction to the special issue on decision support in medicine. Decision Support Systems 43(4): 1203-1206 (2007)
11 Gondy Leroy, Annika Irmscher, Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy, Sarah Kuriakose, Alefiyah Pishori, Lorryana Wurzman, Aria Ash-Rafzadeh, Michelle Seffrood, Stephanie Buxton: Data Mining Techniques to Study Therapy Success with Autistic Children. DMIN 2006: 253-259
10EEAlicia Iriberri, Gondy Leroy, Nathan Garrett: Reporting On-Campus Crime Online: User Intention to Use. HICSS 2006
9EEGondy Leroy, Serena Chuang, John Huang, Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy: Digital libraries on handhelds for autistic children. JCDL 2005: 387
8EEGondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen: Genescene: An ontology-enhanced integration of linguistic and co-occurrence based relations in biomedical texts. JASIST 56(5): 457-468 (2005)
7EEGondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen, Jesse D. Martinez, Shauna Eggers, Ryan R. Falsey, Kerri L. Kislin, Zan Huang, Jiexun Li, Jennifer Jie Xu, Daniel McDonald, T. Gavin Ng: Genescene: Biomedical Text And Data Mining. JCDL 2003: 116-118
6EEGondy Leroy, Ann M. Lally, Hsinchun Chen: The use of dynamic context to improve casual internet searching. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 21(3): 229-253 (2003)
5EEGondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen, Jesse D. Martinez: A shallow parser based on closed-class words to capture relations in biomedical text. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 36(3): 145-158 (2003)
4EEBin Zhu, Gondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen, Yongchi Chen: MedTextus: an intelligent web-based medical meta-search system. JCDL 2002: 386
3EEGondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen: Filling Preposition-Based Templates to Capture Information from Medical Abstracts. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2002: 350-361
2 Gondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen: Meeting medical terminology needs-the ontology-enhanced Medical Concept Mapper. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 5(4): 261-270 (2001)
1EEKristin M. Tolle, Gondy Leroy, Robin R. Sewell, Ye Fang, Dmitri Roussinov, P. Zoë Stavri, Hsinchun Chen: Medical Information Access for the New Millenium: UMLS-enhanced Semantic Parsing and Personalized Medical Agent. ACM DL 1999: 252-253

Coauthor Index

1Aria Ash-Rafzadeh [11]
2Allen Browne [15]
3Stephanie Buxton [11]
4Marjorie H. Charlop-Christy [9] [11]
5Samir Chatterjee [14]
6Hsinchun Chen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [12]
7Yongchi Chen [4]
8Serena Chuang [9]
9Shauna Eggers [7]
10Ryan R. Falsey [7]
11Jie Fan [14]
12Ye Fang [1]
13Marcelo Fiszman [17]
14Nathan Garrett [10]
15Carol Heins Gonzales [21]
16John Huang [9]
17Zan Huang [7]
18Alicia Iriberri [10] [13] [18] [19] [20]
19Annika Irmscher [11]
20Kerri L. Kislin [7]
21Chih Hao Ku [18] [19]
22Sarah Kuriakose [11]
23Ann M. Lally [6]
24Gianluca De Leo [16] [21]
25Jiexun Li [7]
26Jesse D. Martinez [5] [7]
27Daniel McDonald [7]
28Trudi Miller [14] [15]
29T. Gavin Ng [7]
30Alefiyah Pishori [11]
31Thomas C. Rindflesch [17]
32Graciela Rosemblat [15]
33Dmitri Roussinov [1]
34Michelle Seffrood [11]
35Robin R. Sewell [1]
36P. Zoë Stavri [1]
37Brian Thoms [14]
38Kristin M. Tolle [1]
39Lorryana Wurzman [11]
40Jennifer Jie Xu [7]
41Bin Zhu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)