2000 |
7 | EE | Andrea L. Houston,
Hsinchun Chen,
Bruce R. Schatz,
Susan Molloy Hubbard,
Robin R. Sewell,
Tobun D. Ng:
Exploring the use of concept spaces to improve medical information retrieval.
Decision Support Systems 30(2): 171-186 (2000) |
1999 |
6 | EE | Kristin M. Tolle,
Gondy Leroy,
Robin R. Sewell,
Ye Fang,
Dmitri Roussinov,
P. Zoë Stavri,
Hsinchun Chen:
Medical Information Access for the New Millenium: UMLS-enhanced Semantic Parsing and Personalized Medical Agent.
ACM DL 1999: 252-253 |
5 | | Andrea Houston,
Hsinchun Chen,
Susan Molloy Hubbard,
Bruce R. Schatz,
Tobun D. Ng,
Robin R. Sewell,
Kristin M. Tolle:
Medical Data Mining on the Internet: Research on a Cancer Information System.
Artif. Intell. Rev. 13(5-6): 437-466 (1999) |
1998 |
4 | | Hsinchun Chen,
Andrea Houston,
Robin R. Sewell,
Bruce R. Schatz:
Internet Browsing and Searching: User Evaluations of Category Map and Concept Space Techniques.
JASIS 49(7): 582-603 (1998) |
1997 |
3 | EE | Hsinchun Chen,
Bruce R. Schatz,
Andrea Houston,
Robin R. Sewell,
Tobun D. Ng,
Chienting Lin:
Internet Browsing and Searching: User Evaluations of Category Map and Concept Space Techniques (Poster).
ACM DL 1997: 257 |
2 | EE | Hsinchun Chen,
Bruce R. Schatz,
Susan Molloy Hubbard,
Tamas E. Doszkocs,
Andrea Houston,
Robin R. Sewell,
Kristin M. Tolle,
Tobun D. Ng:
Medical Information Retrieval (Poster).
ACM DL 1997: 258 |
1 | EE | Hsinchun Chen,
Andrea Houston,
Robin R. Sewell,
Bruce R. Schatz:
Semantic Search and Semantic Categorization (Abstract).
SIGIR 1997: 335 |