
Paul H. Leng

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45EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng, Aris Pagourtzis, Wojciech Rytter, Dora Souliou: Improved methods for extracting frequent itemsets from interim-support trees. Softw., Pract. Exper. 39(6): 551-571 (2009)
44EEYanbo J. Wang, Robert Sanderson, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Document-Base Extraction for Single-Label Text Classification. DaWaK 2008: 357-367
43EEKamal Ali Albashiri, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Agent Based Frequent Set Meta Mining: Introducing EMADS. IFIP AI 2008: 23-32
42EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng, Robert Sanderson, Yanbo J. Wang: Statistical Identification of Key Phrases for Text Classification. MLDM 2007: 838-853
41EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: The effect of threshold values on association rule based classification accuracy. Data Knowl. Eng. 60(2): 345-360 (2007)
40EEShakil Ahmed, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Tree-based partitioning of date for association rule mining. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 10(3): 315-331 (2006)
39EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Partitioning strategies for distributed association rule mining. Knowledge Eng. Review 21(1): 25-47 (2006)
38EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Obtaining Best Parameter Values for Accurate Classification. ICDM 2005: 597-600
37EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng, Lu Zhang: Threshold Tuning for Improved Classification Association Rule Mining. PAKDD 2005: 216-225
36 Floriana Grasso, Paul H. Leng: Quality Assurance Issues for Online Universities. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IV) 2005: 2382-2386
35EEShakil Ahmed, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: A Tree Partitioning Method for Memory Management in Association Rule Mining. DaWaK 2004: 331-340
34EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: An Evaluation of Approaches to Classification Rule Selection. ICDM 2004: 359-362
33EEFrans Coenen, Graham Goulbourne, Paul H. Leng: Tree Structures for Mining Association Rules. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 8(1): 25-51 (2004)
32EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng, Shakil Ahmed: Data Structure for Association Rule Mining: T-Trees and P-Trees. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(6): 774-778 (2004)
31EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng, Shakil Ahmed: T-Trees, Vertical Partitioning and Distributed Association Rule Mining. ICDM 2003: 513-516
30EEAiman Badri, Floriana Grasso, Paul H. Leng: Evaluation of Discussions in Online Classrooms. KES 2003: 193-200
29EELu Zhang, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Setting attribute weights for k-NN based binary classification via quadratic programming. Intell. Data Anal. 7(5): 427-441 (2003)
28 Lu Zhang, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: An Attribute Weight Setting Method for k-NN Based Binary Classification using Quadratic Programming. ECAI 2002: 325-329
27EELu Zhang, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: An Experimental Study of Increasing Diversity for Case-Based Diagnosis. ECCBR 2002: 448-459
26EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Finding Association Rules with Some Very Frequent Attributes. PKDD 2002: 99-111
25EELu Zhang, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Formalising optimal feature weight setting in case based diagnosis as linear programming problems. Knowl.-Based Syst. 15(7): 391-398 (2002)
24 Weidong Zhang, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: An Architecture For Web-Based Post-Sales Service an a Flexible Manufacturing Environment. I3E 2001: 407-416
23EEFrans Coenen, Graham Goulbourne, Paul H. Leng: Computing Association Rules Using Partial Totals. PKDD 2001: 54-66
22EEArtur Czumaj, Ian Finch, Leszek Gasieniec, Alan Gibbons, Paul H. Leng, Wojciech Rytter, Michele Zito: Efficient web searching using temporal factors. Theor. Comput. Sci. 262(1): 569-582 (2001)
21EETrevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: An Experiment in Discovering Association Rules in the Legal Domain. DEXA Workshop 2000: 1056-1060
20 Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, T. Geldard, Paul H. Leng: A method for the computational modelling of dialectical argument with dialogue games. Artif. Intell. Law 8(2/3): 233-254 (2000)
19EEGraham Goulbourne, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Algorithms for computing association rules using a partial-support tree. Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(2-3): 141-149 (2000)
18EEArtur Czumaj, Ian Finch, Leszek Gasieniec, Alan Gibbons, Paul H. Leng, Wojciech Rytter, Michele Zito: Efficient Web Searching Using Temporal Factors. WADS 1999: 294-305
17 Colin C. Charlton, Chris J. Gittings, Paul H. Leng, Janet Little, Irene Neilson: Bringing the internet to the community. Interacting with Computers 12(1): 51-61 (1999)
16EEPaul E. Dunne, Paul H. Leng: The Average Case Performance of an Algorithm for Demand-Driven Evaluation of Boolean Formulae. J. UCS 5(5): 288-306 (1999)
15EEGraham Goulbourne, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: KD in FM: Knowledge Discovery in Facilities Management Databases. DEXA 1998: 806-815
14EEColin C. Charlton, Simon Grant, Paul H. Leng, Irene Neilson: Promotion of Electronic Commerce by a Regional Centre. Electronic Markets 8(2): (1998)
13EETrevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Paul H. Leng, Geof Staniford: A Computer Supported Environment for the Teaching of Legal Argument. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1998(3): (1998)
12 Colin C. Charlton, Paul H. Leng, R. K. Lloyd, R. Turnbull: Maintaining Consistency in a Replicated Software Archive. Softw., Pract. Exper. 28(3): 285-295 (1998)
11EEColin C. Charlton, Chris J. Gittings, Paul H. Leng, Janet Little, Irene Neilson: The impact of the new connectivity: transferring technological skills to the small business community. SIGCPR 1997: 97-103
10 Paul E. S. Dunne, Paul H. Leng, Gerald F. Nwana: On the Complexity of Boolean Functions Computed by Lazy Oracles. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(4): 495-502 (1995)
9EEPaul E. Dunne, Chris J. Gittings, Paul H. Leng: Multiprocessor Simulation Strategies with Optimal Speed-up. Inf. Process. Lett. 54(1): 23-33 (1995)
8 Colin C. Charlton, Paul H. Leng, Mark Rivers: Using Inheritance to Provide Subschema Views in a Shared Persistent Object Database. TOOLS (13) 1994: 419-428
7 Colin C. Charlton, Paul E. Dunne, K. Halewood, Paul H. Leng: An Algorithm to Generate Random Large Combinational Circuits. Comput. J. 36(2): 200-206 (1993)
6EEColin C. Charlton, D. Jackson, Paul H. Leng: Lazy simulation of digital logic. Computer-Aided Design 23(7): 506-513 (1991)
5 Colin C. Charlton, Paul H. Leng, Janet Little: Vertical Migration of Numerical Routines in Software and Microcode. Softw., Pract. Exper. 21(3): 287-297 (1991)
4 Colin C. Charlton, Paul H. Leng, Dennis M. Wilkinson: Program Monitoring and Analysis: Software Structures and Architectural Support. Softw., Pract. Exper. 20(9): 859-867 (1990)
3EEColin C. Charlton, D. Jackson, Paul H. Leng: A functional model of clocked microarchitectures. MICRO 1989: 207-212
2 Colin C. Charlton, Paul H. Leng: Aids for Pragmatic Error Detection. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(1): 59-66 (1983)
1 Colin C. Charlton, Paul H. Leng: Editors: Two for the Price of One. Softw., Pract. Exper. 11(2): 195-202 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Shakil Ahmed [31] [32] [35] [40]
2Kamal Ali Albashiri [43]
3Aiman Badri [30]
4Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon [13] [20] [21]
5Colin C. Charlton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [14] [17]
6Frans Coenen [15] [19] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45]
7Artur Czumaj [18] [22]
8Paul E. Dunne (Paul E. S. Dunne) [7] [9] [10] [16]
9Ian Finch [18] [22]
10Leszek Gasieniec [18] [22]
11T. Geldard [20]
12Alan Gibbons [18] [22]
13Chris J. Gittings [9] [11] [17]
14Graham Goulbourne [15] [19] [23] [33]
15Simon Grant [14]
16Floriana Grasso [30] [36]
17K. Halewood [7]
18D. Jackson [3] [6]
19Janet Little [5] [11] [17]
20R. K. Lloyd [12]
21Irene Neilson [11] [14] [17]
22Gerald F. Nwana [10]
23Aris Pagourtzis [45]
24Mark Rivers [8]
25Wojciech Rytter [18] [22] [45]
26Robert Sanderson [42] [44]
27Dora Souliou [45]
28Geof Staniford [13]
29R. Turnbull [12]
30Yanbo J. Wang [42] [44]
31Dennis M. Wilkinson [4]
32Lu Zhang [25] [27] [28] [29] [37]
33Weidong Zhang [24]
34Michele Zito [18] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)