
Robert Sanderson

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11EEYanbo J. Wang, Robert Sanderson, Frans Coenen, Paul H. Leng: Document-Base Extraction for Single-Label Text Classification. DaWaK 2008: 357-367
10EECarl Lagoze, Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson, Simeon Warner, Robert Sanderson, Pete Johnston: Object Re-Use & Exchange: A Resource-Centric Approach CoRR abs/0804.2273: (2008)
9EECarl Lagoze, Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael Nelson, Simeon Warner, Robert Sanderson, Pete Johnston: A Web-Based Resource Model for eScience: Object Reuse & Exchange CoRR abs/0811.0573: (2008)
8EEClare Llewellyn, Robert Sanderson, Brian Rea: Automated collection strength analysis. JCDL 2007: 489
7EERobert Sanderson, Paul B. Watry: Integrating data and text mining processes for digital library applications. JCDL 2007: 73-79
6EEFrans Coenen, Paul H. Leng, Robert Sanderson, Yanbo J. Wang: Statistical Identification of Key Phrases for Text Classification. MLDM 2007: 838-853
5EEPaul B. Watry, Ray R. Larson, Robert Sanderson: Knowledge Generation from Digital Libraries and Persistent Archives. ECDL 2006: 504-507
4EERobert Sanderson, Ray R. Larson: Indexing and searching tera-scale Grid-Based Digital Libraries. Infoscale 2006: 3
3EERobert Sanderson, John Harrison, Clare Llewellyn: A curated harvesting approach to establishing a multi-protocol online subject portal. JCDL 2006: 355
2EERay R. Larson, Robert Sanderson: Cheshire3: retrieving from tera-scale grid-based digital libraries. SIGIR 2006: 730
1EERay R. Larson, Robert Sanderson: Grid-based digital libraries: cheshire3 and distributed retrieval. JCDL 2005: 112-113

Coauthor Index

1Frans Coenen [6] [11]
2John Harrison [3]
3Pete Johnston [9] [10]
4Carl Lagoze [9] [10]
5Ray R. Larson [1] [2] [4] [5]
6Paul H. Leng [6] [11]
7Clare Llewellyn [3] [8]
8Michael Nelson [9]
9Michael L. Nelson [10]
10Brian Rea [8]
11Herbert Van de Sompel [9] [10]
12Yanbo J. Wang [6] [11]
13Simeon Warner [9] [10]
14Paul B. Watry [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)