
Michele Zito

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35EEAndrew R. McGrae, Michele Zito: Colouring Random Empire Trees. MFCS 2008: 515-526
34EEMihalis Beis, William Duckworth, Michele Zito: Packing vertices and edges in random regular graphs. Random Struct. Algorithms 32(1): 20-37 (2008)
33EEWilliam Duckworth, Michele Zito: Uncover Low Degree Vertices and Minimise the Mess: Independent Sets in Random Regular Graphs. MFCS 2007: 56-66
32EEColin Cooper, Michele Zito: Realistic Synthetic Data for Testing Association Rule Mining Algorithms for Market Basket Databases. PKDD 2007: 398-405
31EEAlexis C. Kaporis, Lefteris M. Kirousis, Yannis C. Stamatiou, Malvina Vamvakari, Michele Zito: The unsatisfiability threshold revisited. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(12): 1525-1538 (2007)
30EEMichele Zito, Colin Cooper: Dominating sets of random recursive trees. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 27: 107-108 (2006)
29EEMihalis Beis, William Duckworth, Michele Zito: Large k-Separated Matchings of Random Regular Graphs. ACSC 2005: 175-182
28EEMihalis Beis, William Duckworth, Michele Zito: Large k-independent sets of regular graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19: 321-327 (2005)
27 Colin Cooper, Ralf Klasing, Michele Zito: Lower Bounds and Algorithms for Dominating Sets in Web Graphs. Internet Mathematics 2(3): (2005)
26EEWilliam Duckworth, David Manlove, Michele Zito: On the approximability of the maximum induced matching problem. J. Discrete Algorithms 3(1): 79-91 (2005)
25EEColin Cooper, Ralf Klasing, Michele Zito: Dominating Sets in Web Graphs. WAW 2004: 31-43
24EEWilliam Duckworth, Michele Zito: Large 2-Independent Sets of Regular Graphs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 78: (2003)
23EEWilliam Duckworth, Nicholas C. Wormald, Michele Zito: A PTAS for the sparsest 2-spanner of 4-connected planar triangulations. J. Discrete Algorithms 1(1): 67-76 (2003)
22EEMichele Zito: Small maximal matchings in random graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 297(1-3): 487-507 (2003)
21EEArtur Czumaj, Leszek Gasieniec, Daya Ram Gaur, Ramesh Krishnamurti, Wojciech Rytter, Michele Zito: On polynomial-time approximation algorithms for the variable length scheduling problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 302(1-3): 489-495 (2003)
20EEMihalis Beis, William Duckworth, Michele Zito: Packing Edges in Random Regular Graphs. MFCS 2002: 118-130
19EEMichele Zito: An Upper Bound on the Space Complexity of Random Formulae in Resolution. ITA 36(4): 329-339 (2002)
18EEMichele Zito: Greedy Algorithms for Minimisation Problems in Random Regular Graphs. ESA 2001: 524-536
17EEAlexis C. Kaporis, Lefteris M. Kirousis, Yannis C. Stamatiou, Malvina Vamvakari, Michele Zito: Coupon Collectors, q-Binomial Coefficients and the Unsatisfiability Threshold. ICTCS 2001: 328-338
16EEWilliam Duckworth, Paul E. Dunne, Alan Gibbons, Michele Zito: Leafy spanning trees in hypercubes. Appl. Math. Lett. 14(7): 801-804 (2001)
15EEMichele Zito: An Upper Bound on the Space Complexity of Random Formulae in Resolution Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(079): (2001)
14EEAlexis C. Kaporis, Lefteris M. Kirousis, Yannis C. Stamatiou, Malvina Vamvakari, Michele Zito: The unsatisfiability threshold revisited. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 9: 81-95 (2001)
13EESalvatore Caporaso, Michele Zito, Nicola Galesi: A predicative and decidable characterization of the polynomial classes of languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 250(1-2): 83-99 (2001)
12EEArtur Czumaj, Ian Finch, Leszek Gasieniec, Alan Gibbons, Paul H. Leng, Wojciech Rytter, Michele Zito: Efficient web searching using temporal factors. Theor. Comput. Sci. 262(1): 569-582 (2001)
11EEWilliam Duckworth, Nicholas C. Wormald, Michele Zito: Maximum Induced Matchings of Random Cubic Graphs. COCOON 2000: 34-43
10 Michele Zito: Small Maximal Matchings in Random Graphs. LATIN 2000: 18-27
9 William Duckworth, Michele Zito: Sparse Hypercube 3-spanners. Discrete Applied Mathematics 103(1-3): 289-295 (2000)
8 Michele Zito: Linear Time Maximum Induced Matching Algorithm for Trees. Nord. J. Comput. 7(1): 58- (2000)
7EEPaul E. Dunne, Alan Gibbons, Michele Zito: Complexity-theoretic models of phase transitions in search problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 249(2): 243-263 (2000)
6EEArtur Czumaj, Ian Finch, Leszek Gasieniec, Alan Gibbons, Paul H. Leng, Wojciech Rytter, Michele Zito: Efficient Web Searching Using Temporal Factors. WADS 1999: 294-305
5EEMichele Zito: Induced Matchings in Regular Graphs and Trees. WG 1999: 89-100
4EESalvatore Caporaso, Michele Zito: On a Relation Between Uniform Coding and Problems of the Form DTIMEF(F) =? DSPACEF(F). Acta Inf. 35(8): 665-672 (1998)
3EEPaul E. Dunne, Michele Zito: An Inproved Upper Bound on the Non-3-Colourability Threshold. Inf. Process. Lett. 65(1): 17-23 (1998)
2 Salvatore Caporaso, Michele Zito, Nicola Galesi, Emanuele Covino: Syntactic Characterization in LISP of the Polynominal Complexity Classes and Hierarchy. CIAC 1997: 61-73
1 Michele Zito, Ida Pu, Martyn Amos, Alan Gibbons: RNC Algorithms for the Uniform Generation of Combinatorial Structures. SODA 1996: 429-437

Coauthor Index

1Martyn Amos [1]
2Mihalis Beis [20] [28] [29] [34]
3Salvatore Caporaso [2] [4] [13]
4Colin Cooper [25] [27] [30] [32]
5Emanuele Covino [2]
6Artur Czumaj [6] [12] [21]
7William Duckworth [9] [11] [16] [20] [23] [24] [26] [28] [29] [33] [34]
8Paul E. Dunne (Paul E. S. Dunne) [3] [7] [16]
9Ian Finch [6] [12]
10Nicola Galesi [2] [13]
11Leszek Gasieniec [6] [12] [21]
12Daya Ram Gaur [21]
13Alan Gibbons [1] [6] [7] [12] [16]
14Alexis C. Kaporis [14] [17] [31]
15Lefteris M. Kirousis [14] [17] [31]
16Ralf Klasing [25] [27]
17Ramesh Krishnamurti [21]
18Paul H. Leng [6] [12]
19David Manlove [26]
20Andrew R. McGrae [35]
21Ida Pu [1]
22Wojciech Rytter [6] [12] [21]
23Yannis C. Stamatiou [14] [17] [31]
24Malvina Vamvakari [14] [17] [31]
25Nicholas C. Wormald [11] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)