
Kjell Lemström

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19EEKjell Lemström, Veli Mäkinen: On minimizing pattern splitting in multi-track string matching. J. Discrete Algorithms 3(2-4): 248-266 (2005)
18EEKjell Lemström, Gonzalo Navarro, Yoan J. Pinzon: Practical algorithms for transposition-invariant string-matching. J. Discrete Algorithms 3(2-4): 267-292 (2005)
17EEAnna Pienimäki, Kjell Lemström: Clustering Symbolic Music Using Paradigmatic and Surface Level Analyses. ISMIR 2004
16EEKjell Lemström, Gonzalo Navarro, Yoan J. Pinzon: Bit-Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for Transposition Invariant LCS. SPIRE 2004: 74-75
15EEKjell Lemström, Veli Mäkinen: On Minimizing Pattern Splitting in Multi-track String Matching. CPM 2003: 237-253
14EEEsko Ukkonen, Kjell Lemström, Veli Mäkinen: Sweepline the Music! Computer Science in Perspective 2003: 330-342
13EEEsko Ukkonen, Kjell Lemström, Veli Mäkinen: Geometric algorithms for transposition invariant content based music retrieval. ISMIR 2003
12EEKjell Lemström, Veli Mäkinen, Anna Pienimäki, M. Turkia, Esko Ukkonen: The C-BRAHMS project. ISMIR 2003
11EEKjell Lemström, Gonzalo Navarro: Flexible and Efficient Bit-Parallel Techniques for Transposition Invariant Approximate Matching in Music Retrieval. SPIRE 2003: 224-237
10 Kjell Lemström, Jorma Tarhio: Transposition Invariant Pattern Matching for Multi-Track Strings. Nord. J. Comput. 10(3): 185-205 (2003)
9EEKjell Lemström, Lauri Hella: Approximate pattern matching and transitive closure logics. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(299): 387-412 (2003)
8 Kjell Lemström: Content-Based Retrieval of Symbolic Music. FSKD 2002: 401-405
7EEGeraint A. Wiggins, Kjell Lemström, David Meredith: SIA(M)ESE: An Algorithm for Transposition Invariant, Polyphonic Content-Based Music Retrieval. ISMIR 2002
6EEKjell Lemström, S. Perttu: SEMEX - An efficient Music Retrieval Prototype. ISMIR 2000
5EEKjell Lemström, Lauri Hella: Approximate Pattern Matching is Expressible in Transitive Closure Logic. LICS 2000: 157-167
4 Kjell Lemström, Jorma Tarhio: Detecting Monophonic Patterns within Polyphonic Sources. RIAO 2000: 1261-1279
3EEKjell Lemström, Pasi Fränti: N-Candidate methods for location invariant dithering of color images. Image Vision Comput. 18(6-7): 493-500 (2000)
2 Olli Yli-Harja, Ilya Shmulevich, Kjell Lemström: Graph-based smoothing of class data with applications in musical key finding. NSIP 1999: 311-315
1 Kjell Lemström, Jouni Korte, Pyry Kuusi, Pasi Kyheröinen, Pekka Päiväkumpu: An Open Platform for an Image Retrieval System. SCAI 1997: 277-278

Coauthor Index

1Pasi Fränti [3]
2Lauri Hella [5] [9]
3Jouni Korte [1]
4Pyry Kuusi [1]
5Pasi Kyheröinen [1]
6Veli Mäkinen [12] [13] [14] [15] [19]
7David Meredith [7]
8Gonzalo Navarro [11] [16] [18]
9Pekka Päiväkumpu [1]
10S. Perttu [6]
11Anna Pienimäki [12] [17]
12Yoan J. Pinzon (Yoan José Pinzón Ardila) [16] [18]
13Ilya Shmulevich [2]
14Jorma Tarhio [4] [10]
15M. Turkia [12]
16Esko Ukkonen [12] [13] [14]
17Geraint A. Wiggins [7]
18Olli Yli-Harja [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)