
Seungbeom Lee

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7EEMin Li Huang, Seungbeom Lee, Sin-Chong Park: An Efficient Admission Control Algorithm for IEEE 802.11e WLAN. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
6EESeungbeom Lee, Hanho Lee: A High-Speed Pipelined Degree-Computationless Modified Euclidean Algorithm Architecture for Reed-Solomon Decoders. IEICE Transactions 91-A(3): 830-835 (2008)
5EESeungbeom Lee, Sin-Chong Park: Modified SDF Architecture for Mixed DIF/DIT FFT. ISCAS 2007: 2590-2593
4EESeungbeom Lee, Hanho Lee, Jongyoon Shin, Je-Soo Ko: A High-Speed Pipelined Degree-Computationless Modified Euclidean Algorithm Architecture for Reed-Solomon Decoders. ISCAS 2007: 901-904
3EEIl-Gu Lee, Seungbeom Lee, Sin-Chong Park: Effective Co-Verification of IEEE 802.11a MAC/PHY Combining Emulation and Simulation Technology. Annual Simulation Symposium 2005: 138-146
2EEHo-Seok Choi, Seungbeom Lee, Sin-Chong Park: Instruction Based Testbench Architecture, invited. IWSOC 2005: 329-333
1EESeungbeom Lee, Sin-Chong Park: Transaction Analysis of Multiprocessor Based Platform with Bus Matrix. IWSOC 2005: 552-556

Coauthor Index

1Ho-Seok Choi [2]
2Min Li Huang [7]
3Je-Soo Ko [4]
4Hanho Lee [4] [6]
5Il-Gu Lee [3]
6Sin-Chong Park [1] [2] [3] [5] [7]
7Jongyoon Shin [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)