
Myung-Jin Lee

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13EESung-Ho Park, Myung-Jin Lee, Soon-Ju Kang: Multimedia room bridge adapter for seamless interoperability between heterogeneous home network devices. Mardi Gras Conference 2008: 17
12EESung-il Kim, Myung-Jin Lee, Woo-Gul Lee, Yeon-hee So, Cheon-woo Han, Karam Lim, Su-Young Hwang, Sung-Hyun Yun, Dong-Seong Choi, Mi-sun Yoon: Student Modeling for Adaptive Teachable Agent to Enhance Interest and Comprehension. IDEAL 2006: 1234-1241
11EEMyung-Jin Lee, Eun Hee Kim, Keun Ho Ryu: A Design of Dynamic Network Management System. IDEAL 2006: 928-935
10EESung-il Kim, Sung-Hyun Yun, Mi-sun Yoon, Yeon-hee So, Won-Sik Kim, Myung-Jin Lee, Dong-Seong Choi, Hyung-Woo Lee: Design and Implementation of the KORI: Intelligent Teachable Agent and Its Application to Education. ICCSA (4) 2005: 62-71
9EESung-il Kim, Sung-Hyun Yun, Dong-Seong Choi, Mi-sun Yoon, Yeon-hee So, Myung-Jin Lee, Won-Sik Kim, Sun Young Lee, Su-Young Hwang, Cheon-woo Han, Woo-Gul Lee, Karam Lim: Design and Implementation of the Individualized Intelligent Teachable Agent. ICNC (1) 2005: 797-805
8EEJeong Hee Hwang, Myung-Jin Lee, Oh-Cheon Kwon, Keun Ho Ryu: Context-based Preference Analysis Method in Ubiquitous Commerce. UDM 2005: 25-32
7EEJun Ho Park, Myung-Jin Lee, Soon-Ju Kang: CORBA-based distributed and replicated resource repository architecture for hierarchically configurable home network. Journal of Systems Architecture 51(2): 125-142 (2005)
6EEMyung-Jin Lee, Jun Ho Park, Soon-Ju Kang, Jeong-Bae Lee: Multi-agent Based Home Network Management System with Extended Real-Time Tuple Space. IEA/AIE 2004: 188-198
5EEMyung-Jin Lee, Moon Sun Shin, Hosung Moon, Keun Ho Ryu, Kiyoung Kim: Design and Implementation of Alert Analyzer with Data Mining Engine. IDEAL 2003: 1107-1112
4EEHyuen-Hee Bae, Jin-Sik Yoon, Myung-Jin Lee, Eun-Seok Shin, Seung-Hoon Lee: A 3 V 12b 100 MS/s CMOS D/A converter for high-speed system applications. ISCAS (1) 2003: 869-872
3 Hyoun-Goun Han, Myung-Jin Lee, Byung-Ug Kang: A Method of Software Development Using BizWiz that Supports Automated Generation Systems. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 785-790
2 Myung-Jin Lee, Jin-Sang Kim: A Logic Programming Approach to Negotiation for Conflict Resolution in BDI Agents System. ICEIS (1) 2001: 514-517
1EEHee Chong Lee, Hyun-Bin Kim, Myung-Jin Lee, Poong Ming Kim, Sang Won Suh, Ki Hong Kim: Development of 3D Sound Generation System for Multimedia Application. APCHI 1998: 120-124

Coauthor Index

1Hyuen-Hee Bae [4]
2Dong-Seong Choi [9] [10] [12]
3Cheon-woo Han [9] [12]
4Hyoun-Goun Han [3]
5Jeong Hee Hwang [8]
6Su-Young Hwang [9] [12]
7Byung-Ug Kang [3]
8Soon-Ju Kang [6] [7] [13]
9Eun Hee Kim [11]
10Hyun-Bin Kim [1]
11Jin-Sang Kim [2]
12Ki Hong Kim [1]
13Kiyoung Kim [5]
14Poong Ming Kim [1]
15Sung-il Kim [9] [10] [12]
16Won-Sik Kim [9] [10]
17Oh-Cheon Kwon [8]
18Hee Chong Lee [1]
19Hyung-Woo Lee [10]
20Jeong-Bae Lee [6]
21Seung-Hoon Lee [4]
22Sun Young Lee [9]
23Woo-Gul Lee [9] [12]
24Karam Lim [9] [12]
25Hosung Moon [5]
26Jun Ho Park [6] [7]
27Sung-Ho Park [13]
28Keun Ho Ryu [5] [8] [11]
29Eun-Seok Shin [4]
30Moon Sun Shin [5]
31Yeon-hee So [9] [10] [12]
32Sang Won Suh [1]
33Jin-Sik Yoon [4]
34Mi-sun Yoon [9] [10] [12]
35Sung-Hyun Yun [9] [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)