
Joo-Haeng Lee

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10EEJoo-Haeng Lee, Hyungjun Park: A note on morphological development and transformation of Bézier curves based on ribs and fans. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2007: 379-385
9EEHyungjun Park, Joo-Haeng Lee: B-spline curve fitting based on adaptive curve refinement using dominant points. Computer-Aided Design 39(6): 439-451 (2007)
8EEHyungjun Park, Joo-Haeng Lee: B-Spline Curve Fitting Using Dominant Points. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 362-366
7EEJoo-Haeng Lee, Hyungjun Park: Geometric Properties of Ribs and Fans of a Bézier Curve. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(2): 279-283 (2006)
6EEHyungjun Park, Joo-Haeng Lee: Error-Bounded B-Spline Curve Approximation Based on Dominant Point Selection. CGIV 2005: 437-446
5 Jinmi Jung, Hyun Kim, Hyung-Sun Kim, Joo-Haeng Lee: The engine to support building cpc solutions. ICETE 2005: 117-121
4EEJoo-Haeng Lee: Modeling generalized cylinders using direction map representation. Computer-Aided Design 37(8): 837-846 (2005)
3EEJae Yeol Lee, Joo-Haeng Lee, Hyun Kim, Hyung-Sun Kim: A cellular topology-based approach to generating progressive solid models from feature-centric models. Computer-Aided Design 36(3): 217-229 (2004)
2EEJoo-Haeng Lee, Sung Je Hong, Myung-Soo Kim: Polygonal boundary approximation for a 2D general sweep based on envelope and boolean operations. The Visual Computer 16(3-4): 208-240 (2000)
1EETae-Ick Chang, Joo-Haeng Lee, Myung-Soo Kim, Sung Je Hong: Direct manipulation of generalized cylinders based on B-spline motion. The Visual Computer 14(5/6): 228-239 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Tae-Ick Chang [1]
2Sung Je Hong [1] [2]
3Jinmi Jung [5]
4Hyun Kim [3] [5]
5Hyung-Sun Kim [3] [5]
6Myung-Soo Kim [1] [2]
7Jae Yeol Lee [3]
8Hyungjun Park [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)