
Hyeong-Ok Lee

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11 Jong-Seok Kim, Hyun Sim, Hyeong-Ok Lee, Sung-Won Kim: Topological Relationships among Folded Hypercubes, Even Graphs and Odd Graphs. PDPTA 2008: 188-192
10 Hyun Sim, Hyeong-Ok Lee, Jae-Cheol Oh: Embedding Analysis Among the Matrix-Star, Pancake, and RFM Graphs. PDPTA 2008: 193-199
9EEMi-Young Kang, Hyeong-Ok Lee, Omar F. Hamad, Ji-Seung Nam: Adaptive Processing for Multi-user Stream Service over Web-Based Broadcasting Stream. Web Intelligence 2008: 52-58
8EEJong-Seok Kim, Hyeong-Ok Lee: Comments on "A Study of Odd Graphs as Fault-Tolerant Interconnection Networks". IEEE Trans. Computers 57(6): 864 (2008)
7 Jeong-Suk Kim, Jung-Hyun Seo, Hyun Sim, Hyeong-Ok Lee: Embedding Algorithm Between the Macro-star Graph and the Matrixstar Graph. PDPTA 2006: 418-426
6EEHyeong-Ok Lee, Jong-Seok Kim, Kyoung-Wook Park, Jeonghyun Seo, Eunseuk Oh: Matrix-Star Graphs: A New Interconnection Network Based on Matrix Operations. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2005: 478-487
5EEJong-Seok Kim, Eunseuk Oh, Hyeong-Ok Lee, Yeong-Nam Heo: Topological and Communication Aspects of Hyper-Star Graphs. ISCIS 2003: 51-58
4EEEunseuk Oh, Jong-Seok Kim, Hyeong-Ok Lee: Fault-Tolerant Routing in Mesh-Connected 2D Tori. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 527-536
3EEHyeong-Ok Lee, Jong-Seok Kim, Eunseuk Oh, Hyeong-Seok Lim: Hyper-Star Graph: A New Interconnection Network Improving the Network Cost of the Hypercube. EurAsia-ICT 2002: 858-865
2 Hyeong-Ok Lee, Jung-Hoi Hur, Hee-Chang Chung, Chung-Ho Cho: Fault Diameter and Fault Tolerance of HCN(n, n). ICPADS 2001: 346-354
1 Jong-Seok Kim, Hyeong-Ok Lee, Yeong-Nam Heo: Embedding amgong HCN(n, n), HFN(n, n) and Hypercube. ICPADS 2001: 533-542

Coauthor Index

1Chung-Ho Cho [2]
2Hee-Chang Chung [2]
3Omar F. Hamad [9]
4Yeong-Nam Heo [1] [5]
5Jung-Hoi Hur [2]
6Mi-Young Kang [9]
7Jeong-Suk Kim [7]
8Jong-Seok Kim [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [11]
9Sung-Won Kim [11]
10Hyeong-Seok Lim [3]
11Ji-Seung Nam [9]
12Eunseuk Oh [3] [4] [5] [6]
13Jae-Cheol Oh [10]
14Kyoung-Wook Park [6]
15Jeonghyun Seo [6]
16Jung-Hyun Seo [7]
17Hyun Sim [7] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)