
Chungyong Lee

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14EEJiwon Kang, Hyungwoo Ku, Dong Seung Kwon, Chungyong Lee: An Improved Tomlinson-Harashima Precoder Reducing Transmission Power. GLOBECOM 2008: 3190-3194
13EEJaesang Ham, Byungwook Yoo, Chungyong Lee: An Efficient MIMO Receiver for Full-Diversity Full-Rate Space-Time Code. GLOBECOM 2007: 3529-3532
12EEJiwon Kang, In-Kyeong Choi, Dong Seung Kwon, Chungyong Lee: An Opportunistic Beamforming Technique Using a Quantized Codebook. VTC Spring 2007: 1647-1651
11EEMyeongcheol Shin, Sangheon Kim, Jiwon Kang, Chungyong Lee: An Efficient Multi-Mode Precoding for MIMO Systems with Full CSI. IEICE Transactions 90-B(10): 2973-2975 (2007)
10EEKyeongyeon Kim, Jaesang Ham, Chungyong Lee: A Simple Code Allocation Algorithm Based on Asymptotic Analysis of MIMO MC-CDMA Systems in a Multi-Cell Environment. IEICE Transactions 90-B(12): 3708-3711 (2007)
9EESunghun Jung, Myeongcheol Shin, Hee-Young Park, Chungyong Lee: A New Approximation of the Receive Minimum Distance and Its Application to MIMO Systems. IEICE Transactions 90-B(2): 385-387 (2007)
8EEJaesang Ham, Kyeongyeon Kim, Seijoon Shim, Chungyong Lee: An Efficient Adaptive Modulation Algorithm for D-STTD System. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
7EEKyeongyeon Kim, Jaesang Ham, Chungyong Lee, Seijoon Shim: Asymptotic Analysis of Downlink MIMO Multicarrier CDMA systems with a Minimum Mean Square Error Receiver. VTC Spring 2006: 1501-1505
6EEMyeongcheol Shin, Dong Seung Kwon, Chungyong Lee: Performance Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Detection for MIMO Systems. VTC Spring 2006: 2154-2158
5EEJiwon Kang, Hakju Lee, Chungyong Lee, Young Yong Kim: A Scheduling Scheme under a Ratio Constraint for the Multiuser MIMO Systems. VTC Spring 2006: 2449-2453
4EEYang-Won Jung, Hong-Goo Kang, Chungyong Lee, Dae Hee Youn, Changkyu Choi, Jaywoo Kim: Adaptive Microphone Array System with Two-Stage Adaptation Mode Controller. IEICE Transactions 88-A(4): 972-977 (2005)
3EEKyeongyeon Kim, Seijoon Shim, Chungyong Lee, Young Yong Kim: A Simplified Ordering Scheme Minimizing Average BER for MIMO Systems with Adaptive Modulation. IEICE Transactions 88-B(11): 4390-4393 (2005)
2EEJeong-Hoe Ku, Kyeongyeon Kim, Seijoon Shim, MinGoo Kim, Chungyong Lee: An MMSE-Nulling Partial-PIC Receiver for Multiuser Downlink MIMO MC-CDMA Systems. IEICE Transactions 88-B(4): 1725-1729 (2005)
1EEKyeongyeon Kim, Jaesang Ham, Chungyong Lee, Daesik Hong: Performance analysis of a downlink MIMO MC-CDMA system with turbo coding and channel interleaving. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1439-1442

Coauthor Index

1Changkyu Choi [4]
2In-Kyeong Choi [12]
3Jaesang Ham [1] [7] [8] [10] [13]
4Daesik Hong [1]
5Sunghun Jung [9]
6Yang-Won Jung [4]
7Hong-Goo Kang [4]
8Jiwon Kang [5] [11] [12] [14]
9Jaywoo Kim [4]
10Kyeongyeon Kim [1] [2] [3] [7] [8] [10]
11MinGoo Kim [2]
12Sangheon Kim [11]
13Young Yong Kim [3] [5]
14Hyungwoo Ku [14]
15Jeong-Hoe Ku [2]
16Dong Seung Kwon [6] [12] [14]
17Hakju Lee [5]
18Hee-Young Park [9]
19Seijoon Shim [2] [3] [7] [8]
20Myeongcheol Shin [6] [9] [11]
21Byungwook Yoo [13]
22Dae Hee Youn [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)