Frank Le Bourgeois
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
35 | EE | Djamel Gaceb, Véronique Eglin, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Application of graph coloring in physical layout segmentation. ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
34 | EE | Djamel Gaceb, Véronique Eglin, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Improvement of postal mail sorting system. IJDAR 11(2): 67-80 (2008) |
2007 | ||
33 | EE | Fadoua Drira, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: OCR Accuracy Improvement through a PDE-Based Approach. ICDAR 2007: 1068-1072 |
32 | EE | Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Skeletonization by Gradient Regularization and Diffusion. ICDAR 2007: 1118-1122 |
31 | EE | Fadoua Drira, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: A Coupled Mean Shift-Anisotropic Diffusion Approach for Document Image Segmentation and Restoration. ICDAR 2007: 814-818 |
30 | EE | Djamel Gaceb, Véronique Eglin, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: A New Pyramidal Approach for the Address Block Location Based on Hierarchical Graph Coloring. ICIAR 2007: 1276-1288 |
29 | EE | Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Skeletonization by Gradient Diffusion and Regularization. ICIP (3) 2007: 33-36 |
28 | EE | Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: DEBORA: Digital AccEss to BOoks of the RenAissance. IJDAR 9(2-4): 193-221 (2007) |
27 | EE | Yann Leydier, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Text search for medieval manuscript images. Pattern Recognition 40(12): 3552-3567 (2007) |
2006 | ||
26 | EE | Véronique Eglin, Frank Lebourgeois, Stéphane Bres, Hubert Emptoz, Yann Leydier, Ikram Moalla, Fadoua Drira: Computer assistance for Digital Libraries: Contributions to Middle-ages and Authors' Manuscripts exploitation and enrichment. DIAL 2006: 265-280 |
25 | EE | Ikram Moalla, Adel M. Alimi, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Image Analysis for Palaeography Inspection. DIAL 2006: 303-311 |
24 | EE | Elisa H. Barney Smith, Henry S. Baird, William A. Barrett, Frank Le Bourgeois, Xiaofan Lin, George Nagy, Steven J. Simske: DIAL 2004 Working Group Report on Acquisition Quality Control. DIAL 2006: 373-376 |
23 | EE | Ikram Moalla, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz, Adel M. Alimi: Contribution to the Discrimination of the Medieval Manuscript Texts: Application in the Palaeography. Document Analysis Systems 2006: 25-37 |
22 | EE | Fadoua Drira, Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Restoring Ink Bleed-Through Degraded Document Images Using a Recursive Unsupervised Classification Technique. Document Analysis Systems 2006: 38-49 |
2005 | ||
21 | EE | Yann Leydier, Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Textual indexation of ancient documents. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2005: 111-117 |
20 | EE | Yann Leydier, Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Omnilingual Segmentation-freeWord Spotting for Ancient Manuscripts Indexation. ICDAR 2005: 533-537 |
19 | EE | Abir El Abed, Véronique Eglin, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Frequencies Decomposition and Partial Similarities Retrieval for Ancient Handwriting Documents Compression. ICDAR 2005: 996-1000 |
2004 | ||
18 | EE | Frank Le Bourgeois, E. Trinh, Bénédicte Allier, Véronique Eglin, Hubert Emptoz: Document Images Analysis Solutions for Digital libraries. DIAL 2004: 2-24 |
17 | EE | Yann Leydier, Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Serialized k-Means for Adaptative Color Image Segmentation: Application to Document Images and Others. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 252-263 |
16 | EE | Frank Le Bourgeois, Hala Kaileh: Automatic Metadata Retrieval from Ancient Manuscripts. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 75-89 |
15 | EE | Yann Leydier, Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Serialized Unsupervised Classifier for Adaptative Color Image Segmentation: Application to Digitized Ancient Manuscripts. ICPR (1) 2004: 494-497 |
2002 | ||
14 | EE | Souad Souafi-Bensafi, Marc Parizeau, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Bayesian Networks Classifiers Applied to Documents. ICPR (1) 2002: 483- |
2001 | ||
13 | EE | Frank Le Bourgeois, Hubert Emptoz, E. Trinh, Jean Duong: Networking Digital Document Images. ICDAR 2001: 379-383 |
12 | EE | Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz, Souad Souafi-Bensafi: Document Understanding Using Probabilistic Relaxation: Application on Tables of Contents of Periodicals. ICDAR 2001: 508-512 |
11 | EE | Souad Souafi-Bensafi, Marc Parizeau, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Logical Labeling Using Bayesien Networks. ICDAR 2001: 832-836 |
2000 | ||
10 | EE | Frank Le Bourgeois: Content Based Image Retrieval Using Gradient Color Fields. ICPR 2000: 5027-5030 |
9 | EE | Emmanuel Etiévent, Frank Lebourgeois, Jean-Michel Jolion: Assisted Video Sequences Indexing : Motion Analysis Based on Interest Points CoRR cs.CV/0004012: (2000) |
1999 | ||
8 | EE | Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Document Analysis in Gray Level and Typography Extraction using Character Pattern Redundancies. ICDAR 1999: 177-180 |
7 | EE | Frank Lebourgeois, M. Bouayad, Hubert Emptoz: Structure Relation between Classes for Supervised Learning using Pretopology. ICDAR 1999: 33-36 |
6 | EE | Emmanuel Etiévent, Frank Lebourgeois, Jean-Michel Jolion: Assisted Video Sequences Indexing: Motion Analysis based on Interest Points. ICIAP 1999: 1059-1062 |
1997 | ||
5 | Laurence Duffy, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Composite Document Analysis by Means of Typographic Characteristics. BSDIA 1997: 188-200 | |
4 | EE | Frank Lebourgeois: Robust Multifont OCR System from Gray Level Images. ICDAR 1997: 1-5 |
3 | Laurence Duffy, Frank Lebourgeois, Hubert Emptoz: Logical Structure Analysis by Typographic Characteristics Extraction. ICIAP (2) 1997: 639-646 | |
1996 | ||
2 | EE | Jean-Luc Henry, Frank Lebourgeois: Cooperation between Patterns Recognition and Contextual Analysis: Application to the Reading of Printed Documents. MVA 1996: 377-380 |
1992 | ||
1 | EE | Frank Lebourgeois, Jean-Luc Henry, Hubert Emptoz: An OCR System for Printed Documents. MVA 1992: 83-86 |
1 | Abir El Abed | [19] |
2 | Adel M. Alimi (Mohamed Adel Alimi) | [23] [25] |
3 | Bénédicte Allier | [18] |
4 | Henry S. Baird | [24] |
5 | William A. Barrett | [24] |
6 | M. Bouayad | [7] |
7 | Stéphane Bres | [26] |
8 | Fadoua Drira | [22] [26] [31] [33] |
9 | Laurence Duffy | [3] [5] |
10 | Jean Duong | [13] |
11 | Véronique Eglin | [18] [19] [26] [30] [34] [35] |
12 | Hubert Emptoz | [1] [3] [5] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] |
13 | Emmanuel Etiévent | [6] [9] |
14 | Djamel Gaceb | [30] [34] [35] |
15 | Jean-Luc Henry | [1] [2] |
16 | Jean-Michel Jolion | [6] [9] |
17 | Hala Kaileh | [16] |
18 | Yann Leydier | [15] [17] [20] [21] [26] [27] |
19 | Xiaofan Lin | [24] |
20 | Ikram Moalla | [23] [25] [26] |
21 | George Nagy | [24] |
22 | Marc Parizeau | [11] [14] |
23 | Steven J. Simske | [24] |
24 | Elisa H. Barney Smith | [24] |
25 | Souad Souafi-Bensafi | [11] [12] [14] |
26 | E. Trinh | [13] [18] |