
Henry S. Baird

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37EESui-Yu Wang, Henry S. Baird: Feature selection focused within error clusters. ICPR 2008: 1-4
36EEElisa H. Barney Smith, Henry S. Baird, William A. Barrett, Frank Le Bourgeois, Xiaofan Lin, George Nagy, Steven J. Simske: DIAL 2004 Working Group Report on Acquisition Quality Control. DIAL 2006: 373-376
35EEHenry S. Baird, Matthew R. Casey: Towards Versatile Document Analysis Systems. Document Analysis Systems 2006: 280-290
34 Henry S. Baird, Daniel P. Lopresti: Human Interactive Proofs, Second International Workshop, HIP 2005, Bethlehem, PA, USA, May 19-20, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
33EEHenry S. Baird, Jon Louis Bentley: Implicit CAPTCHAs. DRR 2005: 191-196
32EEHenry S. Baird, Terry P. Riopka: ScatterType: a reading CAPTCHA resistant to segmentation attack. DRR 2005: 197-207
31EEHenry S. Baird, Michael A. Moll, Sui-Yu Wang: A Highly Legible CAPTCHA That Resists Segmentation Attacks. HIP 2005: 27-41
30EEDerek M. Drake, Henry S. Baird: Distinguishing Mathematics Notation from English Text using Computational Geometry. ICDAR 2005: 1270-1274
29EEHenry S. Baird, Michael A. Moll, Sui-Yu Wang: ScatterType: A Legible but Hard-to-Segment CAPTCHA. ICDAR 2005: 935-939
28EEHenry S. Baird: Difficult and Urgent Open Problems in Document Image Analysis for Libraries. DIAL 2004: 25-32
27EEHenry S. Baird, Venugopal Govindaraju, Daniel P. Lopresti: Document Analysis Systems for Digital Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 1-16
26EEPrateek Sarkar, Henry S. Baird: Decoder Banks: Versatility, Automation, and High Accuracy without Supervised Training. ICPR (2) 2004: 646-649
25 Henry S. Baird: Document Image Understanding and Digital Libraries. ICVGIP 2004: 4
24EEMonica Chew, Henry S. Baird: BaffleText: a human interactive proof. DRR 2003: 305-316
23EEHenry S. Baird: Digital Libraries and Document Image Analysis. ICDAR 2003: 2-
22EEPrateek Sarkar, Henry S. Baird, Xiaohu Zhang: Training on Severely Degraded Text-Line Images. ICDAR 2003: 38-43
21EEHenry S. Baird, Allison L. Coates, Richard J. Fateman: PessimalPrint: a reverse Turing test. IJDAR 5(2-3): 158-163 (2003)
20EEHenry S. Baird, Kris Popat: Human Interactive Proofs and Document Image Analysis. Document Analysis Systems 2002: 507-518
19EEThomas M. Breuel, William C. Janssen, Kris Popat, Henry S. Baird: Paper to PDA. ICPR (1) 2002: 476-479
18EETapas Kanungo, Henry S. Baird, Robert M. Haralick: Special Issue on "Performance Evaluation: Theory, Practice, and Impact". IJDAR 4(3): 139 (2002)
17EEAllison L. Coates, Richard J. Fateman, Henry S. Baird: Pessimal Print: A Reverse Turing Test. ICDAR 2001: 1154-1158
16EETapas Kanungo, Robert M. Haralick, Henry S. Baird, Werner Stuetzle, David Madigan: A Statistical, Nonparametric Methodology for Document Degradation Model Validation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 22(11): 1209-1223 (2000)
15 Henry S. Baird, Francine Chen: Introduction. Inf. Retr. 2(2/3): 139-140 (2000)
14EEHenry S. Baird: Document Image Quality: Making Fine Discriminations. ICDAR 1999: 459-462
13EETin Kam Ho, Henry S. Baird: Pattern Classification with Compact Distribution Maps. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 70(1): 101-110 (1998)
12EEJunichi Kanai, Henry S. Baird: Special Issue on Document Image Understanding and Retrieval. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 70(3): 285-286 (1998)
11EEJohn H. Shamilian, Henry S. Baird, Thomas L. Wood: A retargetable table reader. ICDAR 1997: 158-163
10 Tin Kam Ho, Henry S. Baird: Large-Scale Simulation Studies in Image Pattern Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(10): 1067-1079 (1997)
9EETapas Kanungo, Robert M. Haralick, Henry S. Baird: Power functions and their use in selecting distance functions for document degradation model validation. ICDAR 1995: 734-739
8EETapas Kanungo, Robert M. Haralick, Henry S. Baird, Werner Stuetzle, David Madigan: Document Degradation Models: Parameter Estimation and Model Validation. MVA 1994: 552-557
7 Henry S. Baird: Background Structure in Document Images. IJPRAI 8(5): 1013-1030 (1994)
6EEHenry S. Baird: Recognition technology frontiers. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(4): 327-334 (1993)
5 Ofer Matan, Henry S. Baird, Jane Bromley, Christopher J. C. Burges, John S. Denker, Lawrence D. Jackel, Yann LeCun, Edwin P. D. Pednault, William Satterfield, Charles E. Stenard, Timothy J. Thompson: Reading Handwritten Digits: A ZIP Code Recognition System. IEEE Computer 25(7): 59-63 (1992)
4EEHenry S. Baird: Anatomy of a Page Reader. MVA 1990: 483-486
3EEHenry S. Baird, Ken Thompson: Reading Chess. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(6): 552-559 (1990)
2EEJohn S. Denker, W. R. Gardner, Hans Peter Graf, Donnie Henderson, R. E. Howard, Wayne E. Hubbard, Lawrence D. Jackel, Henry S. Baird, Isabelle Guyon: Neural Network Recognizer for Hand-Written Zip Code Digits. NIPS 1988: 323-331
1EEHenry S. Baird: Feature identification for hybrid structural/statistical pattern classification. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 42(3): 318-333 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1William A. Barrett [36]
2Jon Louis Bentley [33]
3Thomas M. Breuel [19]
4Jane Bromley [5]
5Christopher J. C. Burges (Chris Burges) [5]
6Matthew R. Casey [35]
7Francine Chen [15]
8Monica Chew [24]
9Allison L. Coates [17] [21]
10John S. Denker [2] [5]
11Derek M. Drake [30]
12Richard J. Fateman [17] [21]
13W. R. Gardner [2]
14Venu Govindaraju (Venugopal Govindaraju) [27]
15Hans Peter Graf [2]
16Isabelle Guyon [2]
17Robert M. Haralick [8] [9] [16] [18]
18Donnie Henderson [2]
19Tin Kam Ho [10] [13]
20R. E. Howard [2]
21Wayne E. Hubbard [2]
22Lawrence D. Jackel [2] [5]
23William C. Janssen [19]
24Junichi Kanai [12]
25Tapas Kanungo [8] [9] [16] [18]
26Yann LeCun [5]
27Frank Lebourgeois (Frank Le Bourgeois) [36]
28Xiaofan Lin [36]
29Daniel P. Lopresti [27] [34]
30David Madigan [8] [16]
31Ofer Matan [5]
32Michael A. Moll [29] [31]
33George Nagy [36]
34Edwin P. D. Pednault [5]
35Kris Popat [19] [20]
36Terry P. Riopka [32]
37Prateek Sarkar [22] [26]
38William Satterfield [5]
39John H. Shamilian [11]
40Steven J. Simske [36]
41Elisa H. Barney Smith [36]
42Charles E. Stenard [5]
43Werner Stuetzle [8] [16]
44Ken Thompson [3]
45Timothy J. Thompson [5]
46Sui-Yu Wang [29] [31] [37]
47Thomas L. Wood [11]
48Xiaohu Zhang [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)