
Dejan E. Lazic

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8 Torsten Rupp, Paul Levi, Dejan E. Lazic: Absolute Lokalisation mobiler Roboter durch Codierungen mit künstlichen Landmarken. AMS 2001: 178-185
7 Thomas Cord, Paul Levi, Dejan E. Lazic: Vision-Based Detection of Navigation Codes for Mobile Service Robots. DAGM-Symposium 1998: 201-208
6 Dejan E. Lazic, Hakam Kalouti, Thomas Beth: Spectra of Long Primitive Binary BCH Codes Cannot Approach the Binomial Distribution. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(1): 294-295 (1998)
5 Thomas Beth, Hakam Kalouti, Dejan E. Lazic: Which Families of Long Binary Lianea Codes Have a Binomial Weight Distribution? AAECC 1995: 120-130
4EEThomas Beth, Dejan E. Lazic, A. Mathias: Cryptanalysis of Cryptosystems Based on Remote Chaos Replication. CRYPTO 1994: 318-331
3 Dejan E. Lazic, Vojin Senk: A direct geometrical method for bounding the error exponent for any specific family of channel codes - I: Cutoff rate lower bound for block codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(5): 1548-1559 (1992)
2 Thomas Beth, Dejan E. Lazic, Vojin Senk: A family of binary codes with asymptotically good distance distribution. EUROCODE 1990: 30-41
1 Radovan Martinovic, Dejan E. Lazic, Peter Nitezki: Control of an Autonomous Mobile Robot based on Well Defined Position in Space. IAS 1989: 922-928

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Beth [2] [4] [5] [6]
2Thomas Cord [7]
3Hakam Kalouti [5] [6]
4Paul Levi [7] [8]
5Radovan Martinovic [1]
6A. Mathias [4]
7Peter Nitezki [1]
8Torsten Rupp [8]
9Vojin Senk [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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