
Jay Walter Larson

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9EEJay Walter Larson, Boyana Norris: Component Specification for Parallel Coupling Infrastructure. ICCSA (3) 2007: 55-68
8EEEverest T. Ong, Jay Walter Larson, Boyana Norris, Robert L. Jacob, Michael Tobis, Michael Steder: Multilingual Interfaces for Parallel Coupling in Multiphysics and Multiscale Systems. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 931-938
7EEO. Volberg, Jay Walter Larson, Robert L. Jacob, John Michalakes: Registration and Resource Allocation Mechanisms in High-Performance Application Frameworks. CLUSTER 2005: 1
6EEChris Hill, Cecelia DeLuca, V. Balaji, Max Suarez, Arlindo da Silva, William Sawyer, Carlos Cruz, Atanas Trayanov, Leonid Zaslavsky, Robert Hallberg, Byron A. Boville, Anthony Craig, Nancy Collins, Erik Kluzek, John Michalakes, David Neckels, Earl Schwab, Shepard Smithline, Jon Wolfe, Mark Iredell, Weiyu Yang, Robert L. Jacob, Jay Walter Larson: Implementing Applications with the Earth System Modeling Framework. PARA 2004: 563-572
5EEEverest T. Ong, Jay Walter Larson, Robert L. Jacob: A Real Application of the Model Coupling Toolkit. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 748-757
4EEJay Walter Larson, Robert L. Jacob, Ian T. Foster, Jing Guo: The Model Coupling Toolkit. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 185-194
3EEJohn Taylor, Jay Walter Larson: Resolution Dependence in Modeling Extreme Weather Events. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 204-211
2 Chris H. Q. Ding, Peter M. Lyster, Jay Walter Larson, Jing Guo, Arlindo da Silva: Atmosperic Data Assimilation on Distributed-Memory Parallel Supercomputers. HPCN Europe 1998: 115-124
1 William Sawyer, Robert Lucchesi, Peter M. Lyster, Lawrence Takacs, Jay Walter Larson, Andrea Molod, Sharon Nebuda, Carlos Pabon-Ortiz: Parallelization of the DAO Atmospheric General Circulation Model. PARA 1998: 510-514

Coauthor Index

1V. Balaji [6]
2Byron A. Boville [6]
3Nancy Collins [6]
4Anthony Craig [6]
5Carlos Cruz [6]
6Cecelia DeLuca [6]
7Chris H. Q. Ding (Hong Q. Ding) [2]
8Ian T. Foster [4]
9Jing Guo [2] [4]
10Robert Hallberg [6]
11Chris Hill [6]
12Mark Iredell [6]
13Robert L. Jacob [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
14Erik Kluzek [6]
15Robert Lucchesi [1]
16Peter M. Lyster [1] [2]
17John Michalakes [6] [7]
18Andrea Molod [1]
19Sharon Nebuda [1]
20David Neckels [6]
21Boyana Norris [8] [9]
22Everest T. Ong [5] [8]
23Carlos Pabon-Ortiz [1]
24William Sawyer [1] [6]
25Earl Schwab [6]
26Arlindo da Silva [2] [6]
27Shepard Smithline [6]
28Michael Steder [8]
29Max Suarez [6]
30Lawrence Takacs [1]
31John Taylor [3]
32Michael Tobis [8]
33Atanas Trayanov [6]
34O. Volberg [7]
35Jon Wolfe [6]
36Weiyu Yang [6]
37Leonid Zaslavsky [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)