
Joachim Parrow

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52EEMagnus Johansson, Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor, Jesper Bengtson: Extended pi-Calculi. ICALP (2) 2008: 87-98
51EEJesper Bengtson, Joachim Parrow: Formalising the pi-calculus using nominal logic CoRR abs/0809.3960: (2008)
50EEJoachim Parrow: Expressiveness of Process Algebras. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 209: 173-186 (2008)
49EEJesper Bengtson, Joachim Parrow: Formalising the pi-Calculus Using Nominal Logic. FoSSaCS 2007: 63-77
48EEJesper Bengtson, Joachim Parrow: A Completeness Proof for Bisimulation in the pi-calculus Using Isabelle. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 192(1): 61-75 (2007)
47EEOskar Wibling, Joachim Parrow, Arnold Neville Pears: Ad Hoc Routing Protocol Verification Through Broadcast Abstraction. FORTE 2005: 128-142
46EEMichael Baldamus, Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor: A Fully Abstract Encoding of the pi-Calculus with Data Terms. ICALP 2005: 1202-1213
45EEOskar Wibling, Joachim Parrow, Arnold Neville Pears: Automatized Verification of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols. FORTE 2004: 343-358
44EEMichael Baldamus, Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor: Spi Calculus Translated to ?--Calculus Preserving May-Tests. LICS 2004: 22-31
43 Jos C. M. Baeten, Jan Karel Lenstra, Joachim Parrow, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Automata, Languages and Programming, 30th International Colloquium, ICALP 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 30 - July 4, 2003. Proceedings Springer 2003
42EECosimo Laneve, Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor: Solo Diagrams. TACS 2001: 127-144
41 Joachim Parrow: Trios in concert. Proof, Language, and Interaction 2000: 623-638
40 Catuscia Palamidessi, Joachim Parrow, Rob J. van Glabbeek: Preface. Inf. Comput. 156(1-2): 1 (2000)
39EEJoachim Parrow, Björn Victor: The Tau-Laws of Fusion. CONCUR 1998: 99-114
38EEBjörn Victor, Joachim Parrow: Concurrent Constraints in the Fusion Calculus. ICALP 1998: 455-469
37 Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor: The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and Symmetry in Mobile Processes LICS 1998: 176-185
36 Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor: The Update Calculus (Extended Abstract). AMAST 1997: 409-423
35EECatuscia Palamidessi, Joachim Parrow: Foreword. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 7: (1997)
34 Bengt Jonsson, Joachim Parrow: Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, 4th International Symposium, FTRTFT'96, Uppsala, Sweden, September 9-13, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1996
33 Björn Victor, Joachim Parrow: Constraints as Processes. CONCUR 1996: 389-405
32EEJoachim Parrow, Peter Sjödin: Designing a multiway synchronization protocol. Computer Communications 19(14): 1151-1160 (1996)
31 Joachim Parrow: Concurrency without Homotopy. Bulletin of the EATCS 55: (1995)
30 Joachim Parrow, Davide Sangiorgi: Algebraic Theories for Name-Passing Calculi Inf. Comput. 120(2): 174-197 (1995)
29 Bengt Jonsson, Joachim Parrow: Guest Editors Foreword. Nord. J. Comput. 2(2): 87 (1995)
28 Joachim Parrow: Interaction Diagrams. Nord. J. Comput. 2(4): 407-443 (1995)
27 Bengt Jonsson, Joachim Parrow: CONCUR '94, Concurrency Theory, 5th International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, August 22-25, 1994, Proceedings Springer 1994
26 Joachim Parrow, Peter Sjödin: The Complete Axiomatization of Cs-congruence. STACS 1994: 557-568
25 Joachim Parrow: Interaction Diagrams. REX School/Symposium 1993: 477-508
24 Joachim Parrow, Davide Sangiorgi: Algebraic Theories for Name-Passing Calculi. REX School/Symposium 1993: 509-529
23EERance Cleaveland, Joachim Parrow, Bernhard Steffen: The Concurrency Workbench: A Semantics-Based Tool for the Verification of Concurrent Systems. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 15(1): 36-72 (1993)
22 Joachim Parrow: Structural and Behavioural Equivalences of Networks Inf. Comput. 107(1): 58-90 (1993)
21 Bengt Jonsson, Joachim Parrow: Deciding Bisimulation Equivalences for a Class of Non-Finite-State Programs Inf. Comput. 107(2): 272-302 (1993)
20 Robin Milner, Joachim Parrow, David Walker: Modal Logics for Mobile Processes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 114(1): 149-171 (1993)
19 Joachim Parrow, Peter Sjödin: Multiway Synchrinizaton Verified with Coupled Simulation. CONCUR 1992: 518-533
18 Fredrik Orava, Joachim Parrow: An Algebraic Verification of a Mobile Network. Formal Asp. Comput. 4(6): 497-543 (1992)
17 Robin Milner, Joachim Parrow, David Walker: A Calculus of Mobile Processes, I Inf. Comput. 100(1): 1-40 (1992)
16 Robin Milner, Joachim Parrow, David Walker: A Calculus of Mobile Processes, II Inf. Comput. 100(1): 41-77 (1992)
15 Bengt Jonsson, Joachim Parrow, Björn Pehrson: Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification XI, Proceedings of the IFIP WG6.1 International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-20 June 1991 North-Holland 1991
14 Robin Milner, Joachim Parrow, David Walker: Modal Logics for Mobile Processes. CONCUR 1991: 45-60
13 Lars-Åke Fredlund, Bengt Jonsson, Joachim Parrow: An Implementation of a Translational Semantics for an Imperative Language. CONCUR 1990: 246-262
12 Joachim Parrow: Structural and Behavioural Equivalences of Networks. ICALP 1990: 540-552
11 Fredrik Orava, Joachim Parrow: Algebraic descriptions of mobile networks: An example. PSTV 1990: 275-291
10 Bengt Jonsson, Ahmed Hussain Khan, Joachim Parrow: Implementing a Model Checking Algorithm by Adapting Existing Automated Tools. Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems 1989: 179-188
9 Rance Cleaveland, Joachim Parrow, Bernhard Steffen: The Concurrency Workbench. Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems 1989: 24-37
8 Joachim Parrow: The Expressive Power of Simple Parallelism. PARLE (2) 1989: 389-405
7 Rance Cleaveland, Joachim Parrow, Bernhard Steffen: A Semantics Based Verification Tool for Finite State Systems. PSTV 1989: 287-302
6 Bengt Jonsson, Joachim Parrow: Deciding Bisimulation Equivalences for a Class of Non-Finite-State Programs. STACS 1989: 421-433
5 Joachim Parrow: Submodule Construction as Equation Solving in CCS. Theor. Comput. Sci. 68(2): 175-202 (1989)
4 Joachim Parrow: Submodule Construction as Equation Solving CCS. FSTTCS 1987: 103-123
3 Joachim Parrow, Rune Gustavsson: Modelling Distributed Systems in an Extension of CCS with Infinite Experiments and Temporal Logic. PSTV 1984: 309-348
2 Björn Pehrson, Joachim Parrow: Caddie - An Interactive Design Environment ISCA 1983: 24-31
1 Rune Gustavsson, Joachim Parrow, Björn Pehrson: An Integrated Approach to Protocol Design Research. PSTV 1982: 309-310

Coauthor Index

1Jos C. M. Baeten [43]
2Michael Baldamus [44] [46]
3Jesper Bengtson [48] [49] [51] [52]
4Rance Cleaveland [7] [9] [23]
5Lars-Åke Fredlund (Lars-åke Fredlund) [13]
6Rob J. van Glabbeek [40]
7Rune Gustavsson [1] [3]
8Magnus Johansson [52]
9Bengt Jonsson [6] [10] [13] [15] [21] [27] [29] [34]
10Ahmed Hussain Khan [10]
11Cosimo Laneve [42]
12Jan Karel Lenstra [43]
13Robin Milner [14] [16] [17] [20]
14Fredrik Orava [11] [18]
15Catuscia Palamidessi [35] [40]
16Arnold Neville Pears [45] [47]
17Björn Pehrson [1] [2] [15]
18Davide Sangiorgi [24] [30]
19Peter Sjödin [19] [26] [32]
20Bernhard Steffen [7] [9] [23]
21Björn Victor [33] [36] [37] [38] [39] [42] [44] [46] [52]
22David Walker [14] [16] [17] [20]
23Oskar Wibling [45] [47]
24Gerhard J. Woeginger [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)