
Stéphane Lallich

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33 Emna Bahri, Stéphane Lallich: FCP-Growth, une adaptation de FP-Growth pour générer des règles d'association de classe. EGC 2009: 461-462
32 Thanh-Nghi Do, Stéphane Lallich, Nguyen-Khang Pham, Philippe Lenca: Un nouvel algorithme de forêts aléatoires d'arbres obliques particulièrement adapté à la classification de données en grandes dimensions. EGC 2009: 79-90
31EEYannick Le Bras, Philippe Lenca, Stéphane Lallich: On Optimal Rule Mining: A Framework and a Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Antimonotonicity. PAKDD 2009: 705-712
30EEEmna Bahri, Stéphane Lallich, Nicolas Nicoloyannis, Mondher Maddouri: A Hybrid Approach of Boosting Against Noisy Data. Mining Complex Data 2009: 41-54
29 Nguyen-Khang Pham, Thanh-Nghi Do, Philippe Lenca, Stéphane Lallich: Using Local Node Information in Decision Trees: Coupling a Local Labeling Rule with an Off-centered Entropy. DMIN 2008: 117-123
28 Elie Prudhomme, Stéphane Lallich: Optimization of Self-Organizing Maps Ensemble in Prediction. DMIN 2008: 683-688
27 Romain Billot, Henri-Maxime Suchier, Stéphane Lallich: Une approche ensembliste inspirée du boosting en classification non supervisée. EGC 2008: 361-372
26EEElie Prudhomme, Stéphane Lallich: Maps Ensemble for Semi-Supervised Learning of Large High Dimensional Datasets. ISMIS 2008: 100-110
25EEPhilippe Lenca, Stéphane Lallich, Thanh-Nghi Do, Nguyen-Khang Pham: A Comparison of Different Off-Centered Entropies to Deal with Class Imbalance for Decision Trees. PAKDD 2008: 634-643
24EEBenoît Vaillant, Stéphane Lallich, Philippe Lenca: On the behavior of the generalizations of the intensity of implication: A data-driven comparative study. Statistical Implicative Analysis 2008: 421-447
23EEPhilippe Lenca, Patrick Meyer, Benoît Vaillant, Stéphane Lallich: On selecting interestingness measures for association rules: User oriented description and multiple criteria decision aid. European Journal of Operational Research 184(2): 610-626 (2008)
22 Jérôme Azé, Philippe Lenca, Stéphane Lallich, Benoît Vaillant: A Study of the Robustness of Association Rules. DMIN 2007: 163-169
21 Elie Prudhomme, Stéphane Lallich: Ensemble prédicteur fondé sur les cartes auto-organisatrices adapté aux données volumineuses. EGC 2007: 473-484
20EEStéphane Lallich, Olivier Teytaud, Elie Prudhomme: Association Rule Interestingness: Measure and Statistical Validation. Quality Measures in Data Mining 2007: 251-275
19EEPhilippe Lenca, Benoît Vaillant, Patrick Meyer, Stéphane Lallich: Association Rule Interestingness Measures: Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Quality Measures in Data Mining 2007: 51-76
18 Benoît Vaillant, Stéphane Lallich, Philippe Lenca: Modeling of the counter-examples and association rules interestingness measures behavior. DMIN 2006: 132-137
17 Elie Prudhomme, Stéphane Lallich: Validation statistique des cartes de Kohonen en apprentissage supervisé. EGC 2005: 79-90
16EEBenoît Vaillant, Philippe Lenca, Stéphane Lallich: A Clustering of Interestingness Measures. Discovery Science 2004: 290-297
15EEFabrice Muhlenbach, Stéphane Lallich, Djamel A. Zighed: Outlier Handling in the Neighbourhood-Based Learning of a Continuous Class. Discovery Science 2004: 314-321
14 Stéphane Lallich, Elie Prudhomme, Olivier Teytaud: Contrôle du risque multiple pour la sélection de règles d'association significatives. EGC 2004: 305-316
13 Benoît Vaillant, Philippe Lenca, Stéphane Lallich: Etude expérimentale de mesures de qualité de règles d'associations. EGC 2004: 341-352
12 Amandine Duffoux, Omar Boussaid, Stéphane Lallich, Fadila Bentayeb: Fouille dans la structure de documents XML. EGC 2004: 519-524
11EEFabrice Muhlenbach, Stéphane Lallich, Djamel A. Zighed: Identifying and Handling Mislabelled Instances. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 22(1): 89-109 (2004)
10 Stéphane Lallich, Fabrice Muhlenbach, Djamel A. Zighed: Traitement des exemples atypiques en apprentissage par la régression. EGC 2003: 399-410
9EEStéphane Lallich, Fabrice Muhlenbach, Jean-Michel Jolion: A test to control a region growing process within a hierarchical graph. Pattern Recognition 36(10): 2201-2211 (2003)
8 Fabrice Muhlenbach, Stéphane Lallich, Djamel A. Zighed: Amélioration d'une classification par filtrage des exemples mal étiquetés. EGC 2002: 155-166
7EEStéphane Lallich, Fabrice Muhlenbach, Djamel A. Zighed: Improving Classification by Removing or Relabeling Mislabeled Instances. ISMIS 2002: 5-15
6EEDjamel A. Zighed, Stéphane Lallich, Fabrice Muhlenbach: Separability Index in Supervised Learning. PKDD 2002: 475-487
5EEMarc Sebban, Richard Nock, Stéphane Lallich: Stopping Criterion for Boosting-Based Data Reduction Techniques: from Binary to Multiclass Problem. Journal of Machine Learning Research 3: 863-885 (2002)
4 Marc Sebban, Richard Nock, Stéphane Lallich: Boosting Neighborhood-Based Classifiers. ICML 2001: 505-512
3EEStéphane Lallich, Ricco Rakotomalala: Fast Feature Selection Using Partial Correlation for Multi-vaslued Attributes. PKDD 2000: 221-231
2 Stéphane Lallich: ZigZag, a New Clustering Algorithm to Analyze Categorical Variable Cross-Classification Tables. PKDD 1999: 398-405
1 Ricco Rakotomalala, Stéphane Lallich, S. Di Palma: Studying the Behavior of Generalized Entropy in Induction Trees Using a M-of-N Concept. PKDD 1999: 510-517

Coauthor Index

1Jérôme Azé [22]
2Emna Bahri [30] [33]
3Fadila Bentayeb [12]
4Romain Billot [27]
5Omar Boussaid [12]
6Yannick Le Bras [31]
7Thanh-Nghi Do [25] [29] [32]
8Amandine Duffoux [12]
9Jean-Michel Jolion [9]
10Philippe Lenca [13] [16] [18] [19] [22] [23] [24] [25] [29] [31] [32]
11Mondher Maddouri [30]
12Patrick Meyer [19] [23]
13Fabrice Muhlenbach [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [15]
14Nicolas Nicoloyannis [30]
15Richard Nock [4] [5]
16S. Di Palma [1]
17Nguyen-Khang Pham [25] [29] [32]
18Elie Prudhomme [14] [17] [20] [21] [26] [28]
19Ricco Rakotomalala [1] [3]
20Marc Sebban [4] [5]
21Henri-Maxime Suchier [27]
22Olivier Teytaud [14] [20]
23Benoît Vaillant [13] [16] [18] [19] [22] [23] [24]
24Djamel A. Zighed (Djamel Abdelkader Zighed) [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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