
Alexey Lagunin

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3EEFedor Kolpakov, Vladimir Poroikov, Ruslan N. Sharipov, Yury Kondrakhin, Alexey Zakharov, Alexey Lagunin, Luciano Milanesi, Alexander E. Kel: CYCLONET - an integrated database on cell cycle regulation and carcinogenesis. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 550-556 (2007)
2EEVladimir Poroikov, Dmitrii Filimonov, Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt, Tatyana Gloriozova, Alexey Lagunin, Yulia V. Borodina, Alla Stepanchikova, Marc C. Nicklaus: PASS Biological Activity Spectrum Predictions in the Enhanced Open NCI Database Browser. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(1): 228-236 (2003)
1 Alexey Lagunin, Alla Stepanchikova, Dmitrii Filimonov, Vladimir Poroikov: PASS: prediction of activity spectra for biologically active substances. Bioinformatics 16(8): 747-748 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Yulia V. Borodina [2]
2Dmitrii Filimonov [1] [2]
3Tatyana Gloriozova [2]
4Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt [2]
5Alexander E. Kel [3]
6Fedor Kolpakov [3]
7Yury Kondrakhin [3]
8Luciano Milanesi [3]
9Marc C. Nicklaus [2]
10Vladimir Poroikov [1] [2] [3]
11Ruslan N. Sharipov (Ruslan Sharipov Nilyevich) [3]
12Alla Stepanchikova [1] [2]
13Alexey Zakharov [3]

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