
Marc C. Nicklaus

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11EEGuangyu Sun, Johannes H. Voigt, Igor V. Filippov, Victor E. Marquez, Marc C. Nicklaus: PROSIT: Pseudo-Rotational Online Service and Interactive Tool, Applied to a Conformational Survey of Nucleosides and Nucleotides. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(5): 1752-1762 (2004)
10EEVladimir Poroikov, Dmitrii Filimonov, Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt, Tatyana Gloriozova, Alexey Lagunin, Yulia V. Borodina, Alla Stepanchikova, Marc C. Nicklaus: PASS Biological Activity Spectrum Predictions in the Enhanced Open NCI Database Browser. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(1): 228-236 (2003)
9EEWolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt, Johannes H. Voigt, Bruno Bienfait, Frank Oellien, Marc C. Nicklaus: Enhanced CACTVS Browser of the Open NCI Database. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(1): 46-57 (2002)
8EEJohannes H. Voigt, Bruno Bienfait, Shaomeng Wang, Marc C. Nicklaus: Comparison of the NCI Open Database with Seven Large Chemical Structural Databases. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(3): 702-712 (2001)
7EEMarc C. Nicklaus, Robert W. Williams, Bruno Bienfait, Eric S. Billings, Milan Hodoscek: Computational Chemistry on Commodity-Type Computers. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 38(5): 893-905 (1998)
6EEMarc C. Nicklaus: Conformational energies calculated by the molecular mechanics program CHARMm. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(8): 1056-1060 (1997)
5EEGeorge W. A. Milne, Shaomeng Wang, Marc C. Nicklaus: Molecular Modeling in the Discovery of Drug Leads. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36(4): 726-730 (1996)
4EEGeorge W. A. Milne, Marc C. Nicklaus, John S. Driscoll, Shaomeng Wang, Daniel W. Zaharevitz: National Cancer Institute Drug Information System 3D Database. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 34(5): 1219-1224 (1994)
3EEMarissa A. Hendrickson, Marc C. Nicklaus, George W. A. Milne, Daniel W. Zaharevitz: CONCORD and CAMBRIDGE: comparison of computer generated chemical structures with x-ray crystallographic data. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(1): 155-163 (1993)
2EEMarc C. Nicklaus, George W. A. Milne, Daniel W. Zaharevitz: Chem-X and CAMBRIDGE. Comparison of computer generated chemical structures with x-ray crystallographic data. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(4): 639-646 (1993)
1 Marc C. Nicklaus, George W. A. Milne, Terrence R. Burke Jr.: QSAR of conformationally flexible molecules: Comparative molecular field analysis of protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 6(5): 487-504 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Bruno Bienfait [7] [8] [9]
2Eric S. Billings [7]
3Yulia V. Borodina [10]
4Terrence R. Burke Jr. [1]
5John S. Driscoll [4]
6Dmitrii Filimonov [10]
7Igor V. Filippov [11]
8Tatyana Gloriozova [10]
9Marissa A. Hendrickson [3]
10Milan Hodoscek [7]
11Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt [9] [10]
12Alexey Lagunin [10]
13Victor E. Marquez [11]
14George W. A. Milne [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
15Frank Oellien [9]
16Vladimir Poroikov [10]
17Alla Stepanchikova [10]
18Guangyu Sun [11]
19Johannes H. Voigt [8] [9] [11]
20Shaomeng Wang [4] [5] [8]
21Robert W. Williams [7]
22Daniel W. Zaharevitz [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)