2008 |
51 | EE | Wladimir Araujo,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Concurrent Contracts for Java in JML.
ISSRE 2008: 37-46 |
50 | EE | Marwa Shousha,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
A UML/SPT Model Analysis Methodology for Concurrent Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms.
MoDELS 2008: 475-489 |
49 | EE | Yvan Labiche:
The UML Is More Than Boxes and Lines.
MoDELS Workshops 2008: 375-386 |
48 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Zaheer Bawar:
Using Machine Learning to Refine Black-Box Test Specifications and Test Suites.
QSIC 2008: 135-144 |
47 | EE | Vahid Garousi,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Traffic-aware stress testing of distributed real-time systems based on UML models using genetic algorithms.
Journal of Systems and Software 81(2): 161-185 (2008) |
2007 |
46 | EE | Samar Mouchawrab,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Assessing, Comparing, and Combining Statechart- based testing and Structural testing: An Experiment.
ESEM 2007: 41-50 |
45 | EE | Michael Bowman,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm to Support Class Responsibility Assignment.
ICSM 2007: 124-133 |
44 | EE | Gregory Zoughbi,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
A UML Profile for Developing Airworthiness-Compliant (RTCA DO-178B), Safety-Critical Software.
MoDELS 2007: 574-588 |
43 | EE | Frédéric Massicotte,
Mathieu Couture,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Model-Driven, Network-Context Sensitive Intrusion Detection.
MoDELS 2007: 61-75 |
2006 |
42 | EE | Frédéric Massicotte,
François Gagnon,
Yvan Labiche,
Lionel C. Briand,
Mathieu Couture:
Automatic Evaluation of Intrusion Detection Systems.
ACSAC 2006: 361-370 |
41 | EE | Yvan Labiche:
Planning and Scheduling from a Class Test Order.
COMPSAC (2) 2006: 105-108 |
40 | EE | Vahid Garousi,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Traffic-aware stress testing of distributed systems based on UML models.
ICSE 2006: 391-400 |
39 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Michal M. Sówka:
Automated, contract-based user testing of commercial-off-the-shelf components.
ICSE 2006: 92-101 |
38 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Alexandre Sauve:
Guiding the Application of Design Patterns Based on UML Models.
ICSM 2006: 234-243 |
37 | EE | Vahid Garousi,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Analysis and Visualization of Behavioral Dependencies Among Distributed Objects Based on UML Models.
MoDELS 2006: 365-379 |
36 | EE | Maged Elaasar,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
A Metamodeling Approach to Pattern Specification.
MoDELS 2006: 484-498 |
35 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Marwa Shousha:
Using genetic algorithms for early schedulability analysis and stress testing in real-time systems.
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 7(2): 145-170 (2006) |
34 | EE | Erik Arisholm,
Lionel C. Briand,
Siw Elisabeth Hove,
Yvan Labiche:
The Impact of UML Documentation on Software Maintenance: An Experimental Evaluation.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(6): 365-381 (2006) |
33 | EE | James H. Andrews,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Akbar Siami Namin:
Using Mutation Analysis for Assessing and Comparing Testing Coverage Criteria.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(8): 608-624 (2006) |
32 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Johanne Leduc:
Toward the Reverse Engineering of UML Sequence Diagrams for Distributed Java Software.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(9): 642-663 (2006) |
31 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
L. O'Sullivan,
Michal M. Sówka:
Automated impact analysis of UML models.
Journal of Systems and Software 79(3): 339-352 (2006) |
2005 |
30 | EE | Yvan Labiche:
Incremental Class Testing from a Class Test Order.
COMPSAC (1) 2005: 7-12 |
29 | EE | Vahid Garousi,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Control Flow Analysis of UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams.
ECMDA-FA 2005: 160-174 |
28 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Marwa Shousha:
Stress testing real-time systems with genetic algorithms.
GECCO 2005: 1021-1028 |
27 | EE | James H. Andrews,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Is mutation an appropriate tool for testing experiments?
ICSE 2005: 402-411 |
26 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Wojciech J. Dzidek,
Yvan Labiche:
Instrumenting Contracts with Aspect-Oriented Programming to Increase Observability and Support Debugging.
ICSM 2005: 687-690 |
25 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Johanne Leduc:
Tracing Distributed Systems Executions Using AspectJ.
ICSM 2005: 81-90 |
24 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Q. Lin:
Improving Statechart Testing Criteria Using Data Flow Information.
ISSRE 2005: 95-104 |
23 | EE | Wojciech J. Dzidek,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Lessons Learned from Developing a Dynamic OCL Constraint Enforcement Tool for Java.
MoDELS Satellite Events 2005: 10-19 |
22 | EE | Frédéric Massicotte,
Mathieu Couture,
Yvan Labiche:
Context-Based Intrusion Detection Using Snort, Nessus and Bugtraq Databases.
PST 2005 |
21 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Massimiliano Di Penta,
Han (Daphne) Yan-Bondoc:
An Experimental Investigation of Formality in UML-Based Development.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 31(10): 833-849 (2005) |
20 | EE | Samar Mouchawrab,
Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
A measurement framework for object-oriented software testability.
Information & Software Technology 47(15): 979-997 (2005) |
19 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Jim Cui:
Automated support for deriving test requirements from UML statecharts.
Software and System Modeling 4(4): 399-423 (2005) |
2004 |
18 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Yihong Wang:
Using Simulation to Empirically Investigate Test Coverage Criteria Based on Statechart.
ICSE 2004: 86-95 |
17 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
H.-D. Yan,
Massimiliano Di Penta:
A Controlled Experiment on the Impact of the Object Constraint Language in UML-Based Development.
ICSM 2004: 380-389 |
16 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
Empirical studies of software testing techniques: challenges, practical strategies, and future research.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29(5): 1-3 (2004) |
15 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Massimiliano Di Penta,
Yvan Labiche:
Assessing and Improving State-Based Class Testing: A Series of Experiments.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(11): 770-793 (2004) |
2003 |
14 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
L. O'Sullivan:
Impact Analysis and Change Management of UML Models.
ICSM 2003: 256-265 |
13 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Yihong Wang:
A Comprehensive and Systematic Methodology for Client-Server Class Integration Testing.
ISSRE 2003: 14-25 |
12 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Jim Cui,
Yvan Labiche:
Towards Automated Support for Deriving Test Data from UML Statecharts.
UML 2003: 249-264 |
11 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Y. Miao:
Towards the Reverse Engineering of UML Sequence Diagrams.
WCRE 2003: 57-66 |
10 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Yihong Wang:
An Investigation of Graph-Based Class Integration Test Order Strategies.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(7): 594-607 (2003) |
9 | | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Hong Sun:
Investigating the use of analysis contracts to improve the testability of object-oriented code.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(7): 637-672 (2003) |
2002 |
8 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
G. Soccar:
Automating Impact Analysis and Regression Test Selection Based on UML Designs.
ICSM 2002: 252-261 |
7 | EE | Giuliano Antoniol,
Lionel C. Briand,
Massimiliano Di Penta,
Yvan Labiche:
A Case Study Using the Round-Trip Strategy for State-Based Class Testing.
ISSRE 2002: 269-279 |
6 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Hong Sun:
Investigating the use of analysis contracts to support fault isolation in object oriented code.
ISSTA 2002: 70-80 |
5 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Jie Feng,
Yvan Labiche:
Using genetic algorithms and coupling measures to devise optimal integration test orders.
SEKE 2002: 43-50 |
4 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
A UML-Based Approach to System Testing.
Software and System Modeling 1(1): 10-42 (2002) |
2001 |
3 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche,
Yihong Wang:
Revisiting Strategies for Ordering Class Integration Testing in the Presence of Dependency Cycles.
ISSRE 2001: 287-297 |
2 | EE | Lionel C. Briand,
Yvan Labiche:
A UML-Based Approach to System Testing.
UML 2001: 194-208 |
2000 |
1 | EE | Yvan Labiche,
Pascale Thévenod-Fosse,
Hélène Waeselynck,
M.-H. Durand:
Testing levels for object-oriented software.
ICSE 2000: 136-145 |