
Kyung Sup Kwak

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32EEYingji Zhong, Kyung Sup Kwak, Dongfeng Yuan: Cross layer multicarrier MIMO cognitive cooperation scheme for wireless hybrid ad hoc networks. Computer Communications 32(3): 546-551 (2009)
31EESana Ullah, Henry Higgins, M. Arif Siddiqui, Kyung Sup Kwak: A Study of Implanted and Wearable Body Sensor Networks. KES-AMSTA 2008: 464-473
30EEYingji Zhong, Kyung Sup Kwak, Dongfeng Yuan: A novel cross layer game knowledge sharing algorithm based on neural fuzzy connection admission controller for cellular Ad Hoc networking. Computer Communications 31(13): 2946-2950 (2008)
29EEQinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Multiuser channel estimation and prediction in two dimensions for MIMO-OFDM uplinks. Computer Communications 31(14): 3236-3241 (2008)
28EESerhat Erküçük, Dong In Kim, Kyung Sup Kwak: Code Shift Keying Impulse Modulation for UWB Communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(9): 3285-3291 (2008)
27EEQinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Bit Error Performance of STBC MB-OFDM UWB. IEICE Transactions 91-A(7): 1844-1846 (2008)
26EEHanbing Shen, Weihua Zhang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Cognitive Implementation of Chirp Waveform in UWB System. IEICE Transactions 91-B(1): 147-150 (2008)
25EEQinghai Yang, Shaoyi Xu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Outage Performance of Cognitive Radio with Multiple Receive Antennas. IEICE Transactions 91-B(1): 85-94 (2008)
24EESana Ullah, Henry Higgins, Young-Woo Cho, Hyung-Soo Lee, Kyung Sup Kwak: Towards RF Communication and Multiple Access Protocols in a Body Sensor Network. JDCTA 2(3): 9-16 (2008)
23EEQinghai Yang, Huamin Zhu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Superimposed Training-Based Channel Estimation for MIMO-MB-OFDM UWB Systems. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 17(5): 865-870 (2008)
22EESerhat Erküçük, Dong In Kim, Kyung Sup Kwak: Effects of Channel Models and Rake Receiving Process on UWB-IR System Performance. ICC 2007: 4896-4901
21EEKaruna Thapaliya, Qinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Chaotic Communications in MIMO Systems. ICESS 2007: 708-717
20EEHuamin Zhu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Performance analysis of an adaptive handoff algorithm based on distance information. Computer Communications 30(6): 1278-1288 (2007)
19EEQinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Optimum Superimposed Training Design for Estimating of OFDM Channels. IEICE Transactions 90-B(9): 2605-2608 (2007)
18EEQinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Pilot-Aided Multiuser Channel Estimation and Tracking in MIMO-OFDM Systems. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 16(3): 319-335 (2007)
17EEHuamin Zhu, Qinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Location-Aided Resource Reservation for Handoff Based on Mobility Prediction. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 16(3): 403-420 (2007)
16EEQinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Optimal Training Design for Mimo-ofdm Systems under Spatially Correlated Doubly Selective Fading Channels. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 16(5): 673-697 (2007)
15EEHuamin Zhu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Improving Handoff Performance by Using Distance-Based Dynamic Hysteresis Value. APNOMS 2006: 122-131
14EEHuamin Zhu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Performance Analysis of an Adaptive Soft Handoff Algorithm for Mobile Cellular Systems. APNOMS 2006: 142-151
13EESerhat Erküçük, Dong In Kim, Kyung Sup Kwak: Code Shift Keying Modulation For Low-Rate UWB Communications Under Dense Multipath. GLOBECOM 2006
12EEShaoyi Xu, Zhiquan Bai, Qinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Singular Value Decomposition-Based Algorithm for IEEE 802.11a Interference Suppression in DS-UWB and TH-PAM UWB Systems. VTC Spring 2006: 2378-2382
11EEHuamin Zhu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Adaptive Handoff Using Distance Information. VTC Spring 2006: 932-936
10EEShaoyi Xu, Zhiquan Bai, Qinghai Yang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Singular Value Decomposition-Based Algorithm for IEEE 802.11a Interference Suppression in DS-UWB Systems. IEICE Transactions 89-A(7): 1913-1918 (2006)
9EEHuamin Zhu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Adaptive Handoff with Dynamic Hysteresis Value Using Distance Information in Cellular Communications. IEICE Transactions 89-A(7): 1972-1975 (2006)
8EEHyeon Chyeol Hwang, Seung Hoon Shin, Seok Ho Kim, Kyung Sup Kwak: Adaptive Linear Detectors in Space-Time Block Coded Multiuser Systems. IEICE Transactions 89-B(3): 999-1002 (2006)
7EEChangjiang Xu, Kyung Sup Kwak: On decoding algorithm and performance of space-time block codes. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(3): 825-829 (2005)
6EESeung Hoon Shin, Bong Kwan Cho, Hyeon Chyeol Hwang, Kyung Sup Kwak: An Efficient Scheme for Transmit Antenna Diversity with Limited Feedback Channel Rate. IEICE Transactions 88-B(8): 3471-3474 (2005)
5EESeung Hoon Shin, Kyung Sup Kwak: Effective Admission Control For Power-Controlled DS-CDMA Systems. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 13(2): 325-339 (2004)
4EESangjo Yoo, Kyung Sup Kwak, Myungchul Kim: Predictive and measurement-based dynamic resource management and QoS control for videos. Computer Communications 26(14): 1651-1661 (2003)
3EEHong Rui Jiang, Kyung Sup Kwak: Space-Time Block Coding Iterative Multiuser Receiver. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 12(1): 19-30 (2003)
2EEHong Rui Jiang, Kyung Sup Kwak: On Modified Complex Recurrent Neural Network Adaptive Equalizer. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 11(1): 93- (2002)
1EEHongjun Xu, Kyung Sup Kwak: Space-time block coding for wireless ad hoc networks. ISCAS (4) 2001: 870-873

Coauthor Index

1Zhiquan Bai [10] [12]
2Bong Kwan Cho [6]
3Young-Woo Cho [24]
4Serhat Erküçük [13] [22] [28]
5Henry Higgins [24] [31]
6Hyeon Chyeol Hwang [6] [8]
7Hong Rui Jiang [2] [3]
8Dong In Kim [13] [22] [28]
9Myungchul Kim [4]
10Seok Ho Kim [8]
11Hyung-Soo Lee [24]
12Hanbing Shen [26]
13Seung Hoon Shin [5] [6] [8]
14M. Arif Siddiqui [31]
15Karuna Thapaliya [21]
16Sana Ullah [24] [31]
17Changjiang Xu [7]
18Hongjun Xu [1]
19Shaoyi Xu [10] [12] [25]
20Qinghai Yang [10] [12] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [23] [25] [27] [29]
21Sangjo Yoo [4]
22Dongfeng Yuan [30] [32]
23Weihua Zhang [26]
24Yingji Zhong [30] [32]
25Huamin Zhu [9] [11] [14] [15] [17] [20] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)