
Stanislav Kurkovsky

Stan Kurkovsky

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22EEStan Kurkovsky: Engaging students through mobile game development. SIGCSE 2009: 44-48
21EEPatricia Morreale, Stan Kurkovsky, George Chang: Methodology for successful undergraduate recruiting in computer science at comprehensive public universities. SIGCSE 2009: 91-95
20EEStan Kurkovsky, David Strimple, Eric Nuzzi, Kerry Verdecchia: Mobile Voice Access in Social Networking Systems. ITNG 2008: 982-987
19EEStan Kurkovsky: Four roles of instructor in software engineering projects. ITiCSE 2008: 354
18EEAdam Sharp, Stan Kurkovsky: VOICE: A Framework for Speech-Based Mobile Systems. AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 38-43
17 Stan Kurkovsky: Improving Student Motivation in a Computing Course for Non-Majors. FECS 2006: 82-88
16EEStan Kurkovsky, Karthik Harihar: Using ubiquitous computing in interactive mobile marketing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(4): 227-240 (2006)
15EEKarthik Harihar, Stan Kurkovsky: Using Jini to enable pervasive computing environments. ACM Southeast Regional Conference (1) 2005: 188-193
14EEStan Kurkovsky, Bhagyavati: First year experiences of NSF REU grant: emerging issues in computer networking. ACM Southeast Regional Conference (1) 2005: 335-340
13EEStanislav Kurkovsky, Vladimir Zanev, Anatoly Kurkovsky: SMMART, a Context-Aware Mobile Marketing Application: Experiences and Lessons. EUC Workshops 2005: 141-150
12EEStanislav Kurkovsky: Using Principles of Pervasive Computing to Design M-Commerce Applications. ITCC (2) 2005: 59-64
11EEStan Kurkovsky, Vladimir Zanev, Anatoly Kurkovsky: SMMART: using context-awareness in m-commerce. Mobile HCI 2005: 383-384
10EE Bhagyavati, Stan Kurkovsky, Christopher C. Whitehead: Using asynchronous discussions to enhance student participation in CS courses. SIGCSE 2005: 111-115
9EEStanislav Kurkovsky, Rasiah Loganantharaj: Extension of Petri Nets for Representing and Reasoning with Tasks with Imprecise Durations. Appl. Intell. 23(2): 97-108 (2005)
8EEStanislav Kurkovsky, Bhagyavati, Arris Ray: A collaborative problem-solving framework for mobile devices. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 5-10
7EEStanislav Kurkovsky, Bhagyavati, Arris Ray, Mei Yang: Modeling a Grid-Based Problem Solving Environment for Mobile Devices. ITCC (2) 2004: 135-
6 Stanislav Kurkovsky, Karthik H. G.: Intelligent Pervasive Framework for Consumer-Supplier Interaction. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 745-746
5 Stanislav Kurkovsky, Bhagyavati, Manish Shah: Developing an Interactive Kiosk for Mobile Devices: A Practical Experience. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 747-753
4 Arris Ray, Stanislav Kurkovsky: A Survey of Intelligent Pervasive Computing. IC-AI 2003: 30-35
3 Stanislav Kurkovsky, Bhagyavati: Modeling a Computational Grid of Mobile Devices as a Multi-Agent System. IC-AI 2003: 36-44
2 Stanislav Kurkovsky, Bhagyavati: Wireless Grid Enables Ubiquitous Computing. ISCA PDCS 2003: 399-404
1EEStanislav Kurkovsky, Rasiah Loganantharaj: Modeling of, and Reasoning with Recurrent Events with Imprecise Durations. IEA/AIE 2000: 272-283

Coauthor Index

1 Bhagyavati [2] [3] [5] [7] [8] [10] [14]
2George Chang [21]
3Karthik H. G. [6]
4Karthik Harihar [15] [16]
5Anatoly Kurkovsky [11] [13]
6Rasiah Loganantharaj (Raja Loganantharaj) [1] [9]
7Patricia Morreale [21]
8Eric Nuzzi [20]
9Arris Ray [4] [7] [8]
10Manish Shah [5]
11Adam Sharp [18]
12David Strimple [20]
13Kerry Verdecchia [20]
14Christopher C. Whitehead [10]
15Mei Yang [7]
16Vladimir Zanev [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)