2009 |
36 | EE | P. R. Kumar:
Temporal Considerations in Wireless Networks and Cyberphysical Systems.
ICDCN 2009: 10 |
35 | EE | M. Anand,
P. R. Kumar:
On approximating Gaussian relay networks by deterministic networks
CoRR abs/0904.0828: (2009) |
2008 |
34 | EE | Hemant Kowshik,
Derek Caveney,
P. R. Kumar:
Safety and Liveness in Intelligent Intersections.
HSCC 2008: 301-315 |
33 | EE | Dong Zheng,
Min Cao,
Junshan Zhang,
P. R. Kumar:
Channel Aware Distributed Scheduling for Exploiting Multi-Receiver Diversity and Multiuser Diversity in Ad-Hoc Networks: A Unified PHY/MAC Approach.
INFOCOM 2008: 1454-1462 |
32 | EE | Vivek Raghunathan,
Vivek S. Borkar,
Min Cao,
P. R. Kumar:
Index Policies for Real-Time Multicast Scheduling for Wireless Broadcast Systems.
INFOCOM 2008: 1570-1578 |
31 | EE | Massimo Franceschetti,
Tara Javidi,
P. R. Kumar,
Sanjoy K. Mitter,
Demosthenis Teneketzis:
Guest Editorial Control and Communications.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(4): 577-579 (2008) |
30 | EE | Craig L. Robinson,
P. R. Kumar:
Optimizing controller location in networked control systems with packet drops.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(4): 661-671 (2008) |
2007 |
29 | EE | Tanya L. Crenshaw,
Elsa L. Gunter,
C. L. Robinson,
Lui Sha,
P. R. Kumar:
The Simplex Reference Model: Limiting Fault-Propagation Due to Unreliable Components in Cyber-Physical System Architectures.
RTSS 2007: 400-412 |
28 | EE | Farooq Anjum,
S. Choi,
Virgil D. Gligor,
Ralf Guido Herrtwich,
Jean-Pierre Hubaux,
P. R. Kumar,
Rajeev Shorey,
Chin-Tau Lea:
Guest Editorial Vehicular Networks.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(8): 1497-1500 (2007) |
27 | EE | Vivek Raghunathan,
P. R. Kumar:
A counterexample in congestion control of wireless networks.
Perform. Eval. 64(5): 399-418 (2007) |
2006 |
26 | EE | P. R. Kumar:
Towards a Third Generation of Control Systems.
HSCC 2006: 2 |
25 | EE | Tanya L. Crenshaw,
C. L. Robinson,
Hui Ding,
P. R. Kumar,
Lui Sha:
A Pattern for Adaptive Behavior in Safety-Critical, Real-Time Middleware.
RTSS 2006: 127-136 |
24 | EE | Jennifer C. Hou,
P. R. Kumar:
Network modelling and simulation.
Computer Networks 50(12): 1885-1886 (2006) |
2005 |
23 | | P. R. Kumar,
Andrew T. Campbell,
Roger Wattenhofer:
Proceedings of the 6th ACM Interational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, MobiHoc 2005, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, May 25-27, 2005
ACM 2005 |
22 | EE | Arvind Giridhar,
P. R. Kumar:
Maximizing the functional lifetime of sensor networks.
IPSN 2005: 5-12 |
21 | EE | Vivek Raghunathan,
P. R. Kumar:
A counterexample in congestion control of wireless networks.
MSWiM 2005: 290-297 |
20 | EE | Vikas Kawadia,
P. R. Kumar:
Principles and protocols for power control in wireless ad hoc networks.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(1): 76-88 (2005) |
19 | EE | Arvind Giridhar,
P. R. Kumar:
Computing and communicating functions over sensor networks.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(4): 755-764 (2005) |
2004 |
18 | EE | Girish Baliga,
Scott Graham,
Lui Sha,
P. R. Kumar:
Etherware: Domainware for Wireless Control Networks.
ISORC 2004: 155-162 |
17 | EE | K. H. Plarre,
P. R. Kumar:
Extended message passing algorithm for inference in loopy Gaussian graphical models.
Ad Hoc Networks 2(2): 153-169 (2004) |
16 | EE | Ashish Agarwal,
P. R. Kumar:
Capacity bounds for ad hoc and hybrid wireless networks.
Computer Communication Review 34(3): 71-81 (2004) |
15 | EE | Girish Baliga,
Scott Graham,
Lui Sha,
P. R. Kumar:
Service Continuity in Networked Control Using Etherware.
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 5(9): (2004) |
14 | EE | Ashish Agarwal,
P. R. Kumar:
Improved capacity bounds for wireless networks.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(3): 251-261 (2004) |
2003 |
13 | EE | Scott Graham,
P. R. Kumar:
The Convergence of Control, Communication, and Computation.
PWC 2003: 458-475 |
12 | | P. R. Kumar:
A correction to the proof of a lemma in "The capacity of wireless networks".
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(11): 3117 (2003) |
11 | | Piyush Gupta,
P. R. Kumar:
Towards an information theory of large networks: an achievable rate region.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(8): 1877-1894 (2003) |
2001 |
10 | EE | P. R. Kumar:
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Analysis, Protocols, Architecture, and Convergence.
Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems 2001: 39 |
9 | EE | R. Rozovsky,
P. R. Kumar:
SEEDEX: a MAC protocol for ad hoc networks.
MobiHoc 2001: 67-75 |
8 | EE | James R. Morrison,
P. R. Kumar:
New Linear Program Performance Bounds for Closed Queueing Networks.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 11(4): 291-317 (2001) |
2000 |
7 | | Piyush Gupta,
P. R. Kumar:
The capacity of wireless networks.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(2): 388-404 (2000) |
1998 |
6 | EE | James R. Morrison,
P. R. Kumar:
On the guaranteed throughput and efficiency of closed re-entrant lines.
Queueing Syst. 28(1-3): 33-54 (1998) |
5 | EE | Sunil Kumar,
R. Srikant,
P. R. Kumar:
Bounding blocking probabilities and throughput in queueing networks with buffer capacity constraints.
Queueing Syst. 28(1-3): 55-77 (1998) |
1995 |
4 | | P. R. Kumar:
A Tutorial on Some New Methods for Performance Evaluation of Queueing Networks.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(6): 970-980 (1995) |
1993 |
3 | EE | P. R. Kumar:
Re-entrant lines.
Queueing Syst. 13(1-3): 87-110 (1993) |
1992 |
2 | EE | Kevin Buescher,
P. R. Kumar:
Learning Stochastic Functions by Smooth Simultaneous Estimation.
COLT 1992: 272-279 |
1991 |
1 | EE | Kevin Buescher,
P. R. Kumar:
Simultaneous Learning of Concepts and Simultaneous Estimation of Probabilities.
COLT 1991: 33-42 |