
Anand Kumar

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13EEOlivier Bodenreider, Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, Anita Burgun: Investigating subsumption in SNOMED CT: An exploration into large description logic-based biomedical terminologies. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 39(3): 183-195 (2007)
12 Stefan Schulz, Elena Beisswanger, Udo Hahn, Joachim Wermter, Anand Kumar, Holger Stenzhorn: From GENIA to BIOTOP - Towards a Top-Level Ontology for Biology. FOIS 2006: 103-114
11EEStefan Schulz, Anand Kumar, Thomas Bittner: Biomedical ontologies: What part-of is and isn't. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 39(3): 350-361 (2006)
10EEAnand Kumar, Barry Smith: Oncology Ontology in the NCI Thesaurus. AIME 2005: 213-220
9EEBarry Smith, José L. V. Mejino Jr., Stefan Schulz, Anand Kumar, Cornelius Rosse: Anatomical Information Science. COSIT 2005: 149-164
8 Irena Spasic, Sophia Ananiadou, John McNaught, Anand Kumar: Text mining and ontologies in biomedicine: Making sense of raw text. Briefings in Bioinformatics 6(3): 239-251 (2005)
7EEAnand Kumar, Barry Smith: Towards a Proteomics Meta-Classification. BIBE 2004: 419-426
6EEBarry Smith, Jacob Köhler, Anand Kumar: On the Application of Formal Principles to Life Science Data: a Case Study in the Gene Ontology. DILS 2004: 79-94
5EEOlivier Bodenreider, Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, Anita Burgun: Investigating subsumption in DL-based terminologies: A Case Study in SNOMED CT . KR-MED 2004: 12-20
4EEPaolo Ciccarese, Ezio Caffi, Lorenzo Boiocchi, Assaf Halevy, Silvana Quaglini, Anand Kumar, Mario Stefanelli: The NewGuide Project: Guidelines, Information Sharing and Learning from Exceptions. AIME 2003: 163-167
3EEAnand Kumar, Barry Smith: Ontology for Task-Based Clinical Guidelines and the Theory of Granular Partitions. AIME 2003: 71-75
2EEAnand Kumar, Barry Smith: The Universal Medical Language System and the Gene Ontology: Some Critical Reflections. KI 2003: 135-148
1EEAnand Kumar: A real-time system for pattern recognition of human sleep stages by fuzzy system analysis. Pattern Recognition 9(1): 43-46 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Sophia Ananiadou [8]
2Elena Beisswanger [12]
3Thomas Bittner [11]
4Olivier Bodenreider [5] [13]
5Lorenzo Boiocchi [4]
6Anita Burgun [5] [13]
7Ezio Caffi [4]
8Paolo Ciccarese [4]
9Udo Hahn [12]
10Assaf Halevy [4]
11Jacob Köhler [6]
12John McNaught [8]
13José L. V. Mejino Jr. [9]
14Silvana Quaglini [4]
15Cornelius Rosse [9]
16Stefan Schulz [9] [11] [12]
17Barry Smith [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [13]
18Irena Spasic [8]
19Mario Stefanelli [4]
20Holger Stenzhorn [12]
21Joachim Wermter [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)