
Victor V. Kuliamin

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16EEVictor V. Kuliamin: Test Construction for Mathematical Functions. TestCom/FATES 2008: 23-37
15EEVictor V. Kuliamin: Standardization and testing of implementations of mathematical functions in floating point numbers. Programming and Computer Software 33(3): 154-173 (2007)
14EEIgor B. Bourdonov, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin: Formalization of test experiments. Programming and Computer Software 33(5): 239-260 (2007)
13EEV. P. Ivannikov, A. S. Kamkin, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin, Alexander K. Petrenko: The use of contract specifications for representing requirements and for functional testing of hardware models. Programming and Computer Software 33(5): 272-282 (2007)
12EEAlexey Grinevich, Alexey V. Khoroshilov, Victor V. Kuliamin, Denis Markovtsev, Alexandre Petrenko, Vladimir V. Rubanov: Formal Methods in Industrial Software Standards Enforcement. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 456-466
11EEIgor B. Bourdonov, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin: Formal Conformance Testing of Systems with Refused Inputs and Forbidden Actions. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 164(4): 83-96 (2006)
10EEVictor V. Kuliamin, Nick V. Pakoulin, Alexandre Petrenko: Practical Approach to Specification and Conformance Testing of Distributed Network Applications. ISAS 2005: 68-83
9EEVictor V. Kuliamin: Multi-paradigm Models as Source for Automated Test Construction. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 111: 137-160 (2005)
8EEVictor V. Kuliamin: Test Sequence Construction Using Minimum Information on the Tested System. Programming and Computer Software 31(6): 301-309 (2005)
7 Victor V. Kuliamin: Model Based Testing of Large-scale Software: How Can Simple Models Help to Test Complex System. ISoLA (Preliminary proceedings) 2004: 311-316
6EEIgor B. Bourdonov, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin: Irredundant Algorithms for Traversing Directed Graphs: The Nondeterministic Case. Programming and Computer Software 30(1): 2-17 (2004)
5EEVictor V. Kuliamin, Alexandre Petrenko, Nick V. Pakoulin, Alexander Kossatchev, Igor B. Bourdonov: Integration of Functional and Timed Testing of Real-Time and Concurrent Systems. Ershov Memorial Conference 2003: 450-461
4EEIgor B. Bourdonov, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin: Irredundant Algorithms for Traversing Directed Graphs: The Deterministic Case. Programming and Computer Software 29(5): 245-258 (2003)
3EEVictor V. Kuliamin, Alexandre Petrenko, Alexander Kossatchev, Igor B. Burdonov: The UniTesK Approach to Designing Test Suites. Programming and Computer Software 29(6): 310-322 (2003)
2EEIgor B. Bourdonov, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin, Alexandre Petrenko: UniTesK Test Suite Architecture. FME 2002: 77-88
1EEIgor B. Bourdonov, Alexey V. Demakov, Andrew A. Jarov, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin, Alexandre Petrenko, Sergey V. Zelenov: Java Specification Extension for Automated Test Development. Ershov Memorial Conference 2001: 301-307

Coauthor Index

1Igor B. Bourdonov [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [11] [14]
2Igor B. Burdonov [3]
3Alexey V. Demakov [1]
4Alexey Grinevich [12]
5V. P. Ivannikov [13]
6Andrew A. Jarov [1]
7A. S. Kamkin [13]
8Alexey V. Khoroshilov [12]
9Alexander Kossatchev [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [11] [13] [14]
10Denis Markovtsev [12]
11Nick V. Pakoulin [5] [10]
12Alexander K. Petrenko [13]
13Alexandre Petrenko [1] [2] [3] [5] [10] [12]
14Vladimir V. Rubanov [12]
15Sergey V. Zelenov [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)