
Alexey V. Khoroshilov

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3EEAlexey V. Khoroshilov, Vladimir V. Rubanov, Eugene A. Shatokhin: Automated Formal Testing of C API Using T2C Framework. ISoLA 2008: 56-70
2EEN. V. Pakulin, Alexey V. Khoroshilov: Development of formal models and conformance testing for systems with asynchronous interfaces and telecommunications protocols. Programming and Computer Software 33(6): 316-335 (2007)
1EEAlexey Grinevich, Alexey V. Khoroshilov, Victor V. Kuliamin, Denis Markovtsev, Alexandre Petrenko, Vladimir V. Rubanov: Formal Methods in Industrial Software Standards Enforcement. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 456-466

Coauthor Index

1Alexey Grinevich [1]
2Victor V. Kuliamin [1]
3Denis Markovtsev [1]
4N. V. Pakulin [2]
5Alexandre Petrenko [1]
6Vladimir V. Rubanov [1] [3]
7Eugene A. Shatokhin [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)