
V. P. Ivannikov

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3EEV. P. Ivannikov, A. S. Kamkin, Alexander Kossatchev, Victor V. Kuliamin, Alexander K. Petrenko: The use of contract specifications for representing requirements and for functional testing of hardware models. Programming and Computer Software 33(5): 272-282 (2007)
2EEV. P. Ivannikov, Sergey S. Gaissaryan, Arutyun Avetisyan, V. A. Padaryan: Estimation of dynamical characteristics of a parallel program on a model. Programming and Computer Software 32(4): 203-214 (2006)
1EEV. P. Ivannikov, K. V. Dyshlevoi, V. E. Kamensky, A. V. Klimov, S. G. Manzheley, V. A. Omelchenko, L. B. Solovskaya, A. A. Vinokurov: Cover Model: A Framework for Design and Execution of Distributed Applications. ISPAN 1997: 98-104

Coauthor Index

1Arutyun Avetisyan [2]
2K. V. Dyshlevoi [1]
3Serguei Gaissaryan (Sergey S. Gaissaryan) [2]
4V. E. Kamensky [1]
5A. S. Kamkin [3]
6A. V. Klimov [1]
7Alexander Kossatchev [3]
8Victor V. Kuliamin [3]
9S. G. Manzheley [1]
10V. A. Omelchenko [1]
11V. A. Padaryan [2]
12Alexander K. Petrenko [3]
13L. B. Solovskaya [1]
14A. A. Vinokurov [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)