
Hiroshi Kubo

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19EEYoshitaka Hara, Yasuhiro Yano, Hiroshi Kubo: Antenna Array Calibration Using Frequency Selection in OFDMA/TDD Systems. GLOBECOM 2008: 3262-3266
18EEMasatsugu Higashinaka, Katsuyuki Motoyoshi, Akihiro Okazaki, Takayuki Nagayasu, Hiroshi Kubo, Akihiro Shibuya: Likelihood Estimation for Reduced-Complexity ML Detectors in a MIMO Spatial-Multiplexing System. IEICE Transactions 91-B(3): 837-847 (2008)
17EEMasatsugu Higashinaka, Katsuyuki Motoyoshi, Takayuki Nagayasu, Hiroshi Kubo, Akihiro Shibuya, Akihiro Okazaki: Likelihood Estimation for Reduced-Complexity ML Detectors in a MIMO System. VTC Spring 2007: 2104-2108
16EEShin-ichiro Matsuzawa, Kazuo Sato, Atushi Sanada, Hiroshi Kubo: Gain Improvement of a Microstrip Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antenna Using Symmetrical Unit Cells with Short Stubs. IEICE Transactions 90-B(6): 1559-1561 (2007)
15EEHiroshi Kubo, Atsushi Matsumoto, Atsushi Sanada: Two-Parallel Strip Particle for Artificial Magnetic Material and Its Application to High-Impedance Layer. IEICE Transactions 90-C(9): 1749-1755 (2007)
14EEMasatsugu Higashinaka, Akihiro Okazaki, Katsuyuki Motoyoshi, Takayuki Nagayasu, Hiroshi Kubo, Akihiro Shibuya: A Co-channel Interference Cancellation Method Using Low Dimensional Sphere Decoding for MIMO Communication Systems. IEICE Transactions 89-A(10): 2526-2534 (2006)
13EEAkihiro Okazaki, Katsuyuki Motoyoshi, Masatsugu Higashinaka, Takayuki Nagayasu, Hiroshi Kubo, Akihiro Shibuya: Frequency-Domain Equalization Incorporated with Frequency-Domain Redundancy for OFDM Systems. IEICE Transactions 89-A(10): 2549-2557 (2006)
12EEShin-ichiro Matsuzawa, Kazuo Sato, Shuji Aso, Atushi Sanada, Hiroshi Kubo: A W-Band Microstrip Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antenna. IEICE Transactions 89-B(4): 1464-1466 (2006)
11EETokio Kaneda, Atsushi Sanada, Hiroshi Kubo: 2D Beam Scanning Planar Antenna Array Using Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antennas. IEICE Transactions 89-C(12): 1904-1911 (2006)
10EENaoko Matsunaga, Atsushi Sanada, Hiroshi Kubo: Novel Two-Dimensional Planar Negative Refractive Index Structure. IEICE Transactions 89-C(9): 1276-1282 (2006)
9EEShuji Aso, Atsushi Sanada, Hiroshi Kubo: Novel Planar Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line with Double-Sided Metal Patterns. IEICE Transactions 89-C(9): 1299-1305 (2006)
8EEHiroshi Kubo, Tsuyoshi Mukai, Atsushi Sanada: Left-Handed Material Composed of Planar Circuit-Type Resonators in a Waveguide. IEICE Transactions 89-C(9): 1330-1336 (2006)
7EELinfu Li, Hiroshi Kubo, Takashi Uozumi: Evaluation of Health Support System Based on Web Application by Analysis th e Individual Preference for Cooking. WSTST 2005: 571-580
6EEHiroshi Kubo, Akihiro Okazaki, Kazuo Tanada, Bertrand Penther, Keishi Murakami: A Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection Based on Channel Prediction for Fast Time-Varying Fading. IEICE Transactions 88-B(8): 3393-3400 (2005)
5EEKazuki Iwashita, Ikuo Awai, Hiroshi Kubo, Atsushi Sanada: Improvement of Unloaded Q of Dielectric Image Resonator. IEICE Transactions 88-C(1): 34-39 (2005)
4EEAchmad Munir, Noriaki Hamanaga, Hiroshi Kubo, Ikuo Awai: Artificial Dielectric Rectangular Resonator with Novel Anisotropic Permittivity and Its TE10delta Mode Waveguide Filter Application. IEICE Transactions 88-C(1): 40-46 (2005)
3EEHiroshi Kubo, Tsuyoshi Mukai, Atsushi Sanada: High Q or High Effective Permittivity Artificial Dielectric Resonator in a Waveguide. IEICE Transactions 88-C(7): 1412-1419 (2005)
2 Hiroshi Kubo, Keishi Murakami, Tadashi Fujino: Adaptive Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Estimation by Means of Combined Equalization and Decoding in Fading Environments. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(1): 102-109 (1995)
1EENorio Okino, Yukinori Kakazu, Hiroshi Kubo: Theories for graphics processors in TIPS-1. Computers & Graphics 7(3-4): 243-258 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Shuji Aso [9] [12]
2Ikuo Awai [4] [5]
3Tadashi Fujino [2]
4Noriaki Hamanaga [4]
5Yoshitaka Hara [19]
6Masatsugu Higashinaka [13] [14] [17] [18]
7Kazuki Iwashita [5]
8Yukinori Kakazu [1]
9Tokio Kaneda [11]
10Linfu Li [7]
11Atsushi Matsumoto [15]
12Naoko Matsunaga [10]
13Shin-ichiro Matsuzawa [12] [16]
14Katsuyuki Motoyoshi [13] [14] [17] [18]
15Tsuyoshi Mukai [3] [8]
16Achmad Munir [4]
17Keishi Murakami [2] [6]
18Takayuki Nagayasu [13] [14] [17] [18]
19Akihiro Okazaki [6] [13] [14] [17] [18]
20Norio Okino [1]
21Bertrand Penther [6]
22Atsushi Sanada (Atushi Sanada) [3] [5] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16]
23Kazuo Sato [12] [16]
24Akihiro Shibuya [13] [14] [17] [18]
25Kazuo Tanada [6]
26Takashi Uozumi [7]
27Yasuhiro Yano [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)